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The artist has a Wikipedia page dedicated to him, and his work has been exhibited at numerous exhibitions. His caricatures for 20 years have consistently maintained the brand of dark, but witty humor.
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​Красивый сюрреализм Станислава Плутенко
Возможно дело в правильном подборе стиля и темы своих работ — красивая фантастика с элементами художественного сюрреализма тогда рассматривалась как нечто совершенно необычное и нестандартное, как глоток свежего воздуха среди заезженных картин соцреалистов про однотипное восхваление советской действительности
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Funny old men and old women in endlessly kind and optimistic paintings by artist Leonid Baranov
His paintings often participated in all kinds of exhibitions, where they are willingly bought. Baranov began to create these funny and cute paintings depicting fabulous village old men and old women.
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“Vaska the lantern man.” An art freak and mad genius who became a legend of the artistic Soviet underground.
Paintings that failed to find recognition in his homeland were sought after abroad. “I got fed up with stupid people on the river and boats for the rest of my life and realized that I only wanted to be an artist.”
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Village alcoholics in scandalous paintings by Vasily Shulzhenko, whose work leaves no one indifferent.
He has lived in the provinces for many years and knows for sure that people there are different. And so it has been all his life, endlessly repeating this artwork-drinking cycle. This is not a slur on Russian people, but a desire to make them better
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A French artist who had his hand in paintings of nude beauties, whose work was first praised and then condemned
The artist's attention to detail was thorough, and if it is a fantasy on a free theme, it is very convincing. Jerome loved and knew how to paint nudes, but did so under the “fig leaf” of academism.
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Became famous for creating nude paintings. Italian artist Francesco Ayetz and his sensual works.
At the age of 15, Francesco was accepted into the most prestigious art school in Italy. Now in his work became more noticeable romantic motifs. Modern European ladies in an unsightly form should not be depicted, but odalisques from the harem - as much as you like....
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"I am the most successful artist in Russia, but only by the amount of swearing." Ilya Mashkov and his stunning paintings.
Many artists preferred to abandon the usual manner of painting. His immense talent was combined with a clear love of creativity and a desire to "break into the people". However, he was expected to paint on revolutionary themes.
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Who is she the “Lady with the Ermine” in Leonardo da Vinci's painting and what unseemly moments are associated with her life?
The authorship of the painting by Leonardo da Vinci himself is in doubt. Caecilia is believed to be the mistress of the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforze. Caecilia is depicted half-turned, which was an innovation for the time. She lived quite a long life by the standards of the time - 63 years and died in honor.
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The embodiment of sensuality and beauty. “Blazing June” is Frederick Leighton's most impressive painting.
Leighton was popular, his paintings were eagerly bought. Aesthetics in its purest form, the here and now moment, more typical of the Impressionists. This use of the color orange was innovative.
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​Какое противоядие против ханжества Викторианской эпохи нашёл художник Лоуренс Тадема?
Это и было одной из составляющих успеха его картин. Говорили, что он просто перерисовывает людей с фотографии, вставляет их изображения в исторические декорации.
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Знал толк в изображении обнаженной натуры. Фламандский живописец эпохи барокко Якоб Йорданс и его потрясающие картины
И такое творчество лучше отражало умонастроение обычных фламандцев. Сложная светотень на его картинах, а также построение сюжетов и композиции во многом идут из работ итальянского мастера. Когда Рубенс умер, именно Йорданс стал главным художником в Антверпене.
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​Удивительные картины космонавта Алексея Леонова, которые впечатляют не меньше его достижений
Был везунчиком и выходил целым и невредимым из самых опасных ситуаций. Скафандр в открытом космосе раздулся и войти в тесный шлюз было невозможно. Пришлось скидывать давление в скафандре, заходить не как положено.
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Stole his wife from his best friend. Artist John Mille.
After the amazing early paintings were followed by monotypical and boring late ones, and visitors had the feeling that the artist simply wrote out, stopped trying and went to outright hackwork.
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The extravagant artwork and unusual personal life of feminist and artist Leonor Fini
The style and taste of the artist was formed under the influence of Flemish and German painting of the XV century, she was inspired by Italian Mannerism. Lifetime retrospectives of Leonore's artwork appeared in Japan, Belgium, Paris and Italian cities. But in the mid-1990s, after the artist's death, her work was forgotten.
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Не только деньгами, но и натурой. Чем расплачивались заказчики за картины известных художников?
Потом он познакомился с владелицей кафе. Та охотно брала картины, а расплачивалась едой или иногда присылала ему цветы — не для того, чтобы выразить восхищение, а просто чтобы художник, восхитившись их многоцветьем и красотой,
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​Наглый копиист или достойный сын своего отца? Питер Брейгель Младший и его работы.
Они копировали композицию и форму написанных людей и предметов. Достаточно было прикрепить их к доске, обвести карандашом и готовый набросок картины готов. Он был неплохим мастером, благодаря его стараниям и менее обеспеченные люди могли приобщиться к живописи.
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Japanese artist who painted an engraving that shocked Europeans. Hokusai's "Great Wave" and its hidden meaning.
In the Land of the Rising Sun, ideally, it is customary to study throughout your life. You need to have a lot of imagination to paint 100 views of the same Mount Fuji. Perhaps the engraving is the artist’s attempt to show the frailty and vanity of people.
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Demolished the Vendôme Column in Paris and painted paintings that were not understood by critics. Disgraced artist Gustave Courbet.
“How could such a huge canvas, worthy of epic subjects, depict a miserable funeral in a small village? Where is the perspective, the composition, why are the characters just standing in a row?”
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Был востребован при всех режимах. Эжен Делакруа и его впечатляющие картины
Делакруа писал всегда в очень жарко натопленной художественной мастерской, а шею обматывал шарфом. Любил с глубокомысленным видом сообщать взрослым азбучные истины. Критики были недовольны - как можно было писать обнажённую девушку?!
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He bought out serfs and was the first to paint Russian peasants. The kindest artist Alexei Venetsianov and his paintings.
He spent a lot of money on the redemption of able serfs young artists, however, once he was bailed out by Emperor Alexander I himself, buying the painting "Threshing Ground".
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Critics mercilessly criticized Karl Bryullov's painting "The Last Day of Pompeii", what was wrong with it?
Benois, of course, is partly right - everything in the painting is too beautiful and theatrical. But that is the only reason it is beautiful - if Briullov had painted it as it really was, it would not be a work of art that belongs in a museum, but a frame of a documentary chronicle from the scene of the catastrophe. There are many of them now, but hardly any of them evokes feelings other than horror and general negative perception.
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5 выдающихся произведений искусства оказавшихся под запретом
Многие выдающиеся произведения искусства часто не устраивали цензоров и власти, а потому оказывались под запретом. Причины всегда находились — то с...
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The most dissolute artist in early 20th century Paris, Amedeo Modigliani and his tragic love story.
Modigliani had almost no real friends, sometimes beat his girlfriend, but still treated Jeanne with tenderness and love. By the way, Modigliani painted many portraits in the Nude style, but none of them had Jeanne.
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​Всю жизнь писал красочные портреты крестьянок, но так не на ком и не женился. Необычная судьба и удивительные картины Абрама Архипова.
Вначале своего творческого пути Архипов писал жанровые сцены из жизни крестьян своей родной деревни, потом, приехав на русский север, проникся невзрачной красотой северных пейзажей, а после 1914 года пишет русских крестьянок в яркой, красочной манере
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Why did Salvador Dalí live his whole life with his Russian wife Gala, who cheated on him with young lovers and was 10 years older than him?
At the age of about 90, his incomparable Gala dies. For Dali it was the loss of a lifetime, he moves to live in her castle, a gift from him, and slowly fades from longing for his eternal muse.
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Что было не так в картине Василия Сурикова «Утро стрелецкой казни» и какие её основные особенности?
На среднем находятся стрельцы, сидящие на телегах и наконец, на верхнем — лобное место и зрители на крышах торговых рядов. Тогда они находились на Красной площади, а чтобы лучше рассмотреть все подробности казни мальчишки и молодые мужчины лезли туда, где лучше видно.
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Наперекор всем требованиям. Пять художников советских времён рисовавших в стиле русского импрессионизма.
Но были импрессионисты и в нашем отечестве, их не так много как хотелось бы, но свой след в искусстве они оставили и немаленький. О пяти лучших картинах русских импрессионистах мы и поговорим в этой статье.
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Что было не так с картиной Архипа Куинджи "Лунная ночь на Днепре" и почему художника можно назвать большим чудаком и идеалистом?
Подобный удар надломил его, он стал жаловаться на боли в сердце, его железное здоровье, несгибаемая воля и вера в людей надломились.
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Who was the bride in Pukirev’s painting “Unequal Marriage” and what was her fate? Why did the artist paint 3 brides?
At first, Pukirev’s fate turned out to be the best - the peasant son, thanks to his drawing abilities, entered the Academy of Arts at the age of 16. He did not have to, like Vasily Tropinin, who was a serf by birth, already in the status of a fairly famous artist, serve at the table of his masters.
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​Три художника-импрессиониста, которых следует знать всем уважающим себя любителям искусства
«Новый мир родился, когда импрессионисты нарисовали его» и с этими словами сложно не согласиться.
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