Main | Art Blog | “Step on the gas Vasya”, a gopnik's dream and an unexpected look at fairy tale characters in funny caricatures “on the verge” by Sergey Korsun.
“Step on the gas Vasya”, a gopnik's dream and an unexpected look at fairy tale characters in funny caricatures “on the verge” by Sergey Korsun.

“Step on the gas Vasya”, a gopnik's dream and an unexpected look at fairy tale characters in funny caricatures “on the verge” by Sergey Korsun.

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Everything changes, including our attitude to fairy tales heard in childhood. Back then, we sincerely empathized with fairy tale characters, they seemed close and understandable to us, and the plot of fairy tales - interesting. But with age many things change, fairy tales evoke only a feeling of warm nostalgia, awaken pleasant memories, but they themselves seem too childish and naive. However, there is an artist who managed to combine hard “adult” irony and children's fairy tale characters, and it turned out really unexpected and interesting, even if some caricatures, as they are called, “on the edge”.

Road test

This is Sergey Korsun, who has become one of the most quoted artists on the Internet. His works are favorably distinguished by a verified drawing and a peculiar style, which can not be confused with any other. Here everything is “on the level”: good drawing - pencil Korsun owns masterfully, witty humor, even if sometimes a little “blackish”, but never slipping into outright vulgarity and thrash, and an unexpected look at the familiar fairy tale characters, which allows you to look at them from a new, unexpected angle.

A wish fulfilled

Not surprisingly, Korsun has many fans: the artist has a Wikipedia page dedicated to him, and his works have been exhibited at numerous exhibitions. So we have a venerable and respected author in front of us, not an upstart for a couple of weeks with a particularly successful meme.

Will you be the third?

Korsun liked to draw since childhood and did it very successfully. He preferred all kinds of cartoons and caricatures - so he could quickly attract the attention of his classmates and pretty classmates. His pictures were successful, Korsun managed to accurately reflect the characteristic features of teachers and comrades on whom he drew caricatures. And at the same time, he quickly realized that it is better to joke angrily, not to insult a person, but only tease him, hoping that he himself will ever correct his shortcomings.

Gopnik knight

Then there was service in the army, the design of army wall newspapers, and acquaintance with informal youth, in particular, with rock musician Yegor Letov. Korsun became his own in this environment, thoroughly studied the youth subculture, formed his own, ironic view of the world, in which the young rebellion and unwillingness to recognize any authority were predominant. In 1996, he organized the non-child magazine Gruzilka, in which he published caricatures on social topics that were bold even by the standards of the 1990s.

Grandfather Mazai and hares

Gradually I formed my own style - laconic pencil drawing with a good admixture of black humor. The times were simply harsh, and humor became a kind of outlet, allowing me to somehow reconcile with what was going on around me.

Step on the gas Vasya! Falling down

A series of illustrations based on the songs of the cult band “Civil Defense” added to Korsun's popularity. Gradually, Korsun outgrew the samizdat level and began to cooperate with official newspapers and magazines. In the noughties his caricatures became very popular on the Internet, and for 20 years they have consistently maintained a brand of dark but witty humor, almost perfectly suited for social networks and various entertainment sites.

Carlson is a hit

There is little politics and some acute social issues, Korsun is often engaged in “pure entertainment”, but who said that all caricatures must necessarily express some idea and carry the status of irreconcilable satire.

And what do you think of Korsun's artwork - write in the comments.

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