Main | Art Blog | The embodiment of sensuality and beauty. “Blazing June” is Frederick Leighton's most impressive painting.
The embodiment of sensuality and beauty. “Blazing June” is Frederick Leighton's most impressive painting.

The embodiment of sensuality and beauty. “Blazing June” is Frederick Leighton's most impressive painting.

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Frederick Leighton was an English artist of the XIX century, who painted in the style of academism, where he preferred to depict luxurious women on the theme of subjects from antiquity, that is, all kinds of nymphs and goddesses. His paintings - this is a perfectly prescribed drawing, sensuality, aristocratism, bright, pleasing to the eye colors. He quite rightly believed that art, first of all, should be beautiful and tried to capture this beauty in his paintings.

The Garden of the Hesperides

Such views have found understanding among many lovers of painting, artists, rich customers aristocrats and even royalty. Leighton enjoyed popularity, his paintings were willingly bought, and paid for them a lot of money, and at the end of his life he was awarded the honorary title of Lord. That is, Leighton is the epitome of success in painting, although behind him is an extraordinary talent, tremendous efficiency and love for his work.

One of Leighton's best paintings is “Blazing June”, and we will talk more about it.

Blazing June

The painting depicts a mind-blowingly beautiful girl or young woman in a translucent orange dress, asleep on a marble bench, lulled to sleep by the gentle night breeze blowing in from the sea. Behind the bench with the sleeping girl - a strip of sea, reflecting the moonlight, next to the flower of oleander - a plant beautiful, but dangerous and poisonous. Aesthetics in its purest form, the moment here and now, more typical of the Impressionists, although the canvas itself is painted in the style of academicism, and the theme is taken from ancient life - the girl is probably a rich ancient Greek or Roman aristocrat, her dress is too rich and thin, and it is unlikely that an ordinary slave or servant could sleep so serenely on a marble bench in a luxurious gazebo - as if the master or manager would see her, there would be problems.

The fisherman and the siren

The girl's pose is also amazing - very aesthetic, and although uncomfortable at first glance, it is clear that her pose does not cause any discomfort and she wakes up rested and refreshed, ready to enjoy life again. Leighton learned this pose from his model, who once fell asleep curled up in a chair after hours of posing. Leighton was impressed by the flexibility and frank sensuality of a young girl, ready to love and be loved, manifested in her sleep, when she did not have to conform to the strict norms of Victorian morality and numerous conventions.

Michelangelo. The tomb of Giuliano de' Medici. Night

All this he tried to display in his painting. It is believed that the sources of inspiration for Leighton were Michelangelo's sculpture “Night”, which is located in the tomb of Medici in Florence, and the lost, rather frivolous painting by Michelangelo “Leda and the Swan”, based on a famous myth.

A copy of Michelangelo's destroyed painting of Leda and the Swan (1530s).

In his first sketches Leighton painted the girl naked - he had to display her complex pose as authentically as possible, and only in the final version displayed on her orange dress. In general, there is a lot of orange color in this painting - the dress, seductively emphasizing the flawless figure of the girl, perhaps represents the very peak of beauty and sensuality.

This use of orange color was innovative, usually in academism colors are soft, muted, the exception is the painting “Midsummer” by Albert Moore.

Alberta Moore. Midsummer

This is pure plagiarism, it was painted two years later than the popular “Blazing June” and Moore was clearly inspired by Leighton's artwork. Although, perhaps, he simply lacked the skill to be able to display the complex pose of the girl in Leighton's painting, so he painted it in a more familiar manner, and to avoid accusations of plagiarism added on the edges of two more standing.

Researchers wonder - and who is she this girl? Leighton did not leave a clear answer, giving the opportunity for various assumptions. It would be interesting to know the readers' opinion on this issue.

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