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“First Armenia was painted by Saryan and then God created it”. On the life and impressive paintings of artist Martiros Saryan
He often paints the bright southern sun, as if wishing to emphasize this peculiarity of Armenia's weather, where there are very few cloudy days.
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“In a noisy restaurant hall, amidst merriment and debauchery”. Expressive paintings by Juarez Machado.
The ladies in Machado's paintings are emphatically uninhibited, even somewhat vulgar, probably many of them earn money by the oldest profession....
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Master of obscene innuendo. Why are Gerrit Dou's paintings dirtier than they appear at first glance?
King Carlos II of England offered Dou a place as court painter. But Dou simply turned the king down. He lived all his life in Leiden, never marrying, as art attracted Dou more than family life.
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Uncomplicated everyday life of fairy-tale heroes and absurdity of the highest caliber in memorable cartoons by Valery Tarasenko
Tarasenko always manages to be modern and in demand, even if now his approach to caricature has changed somewhat.
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Unsuccessful portrait of actress Andreeva, drinking Mussorgsky and unquestioning Leo Tolstoy. How did they look like in Repin's paintings and in real life?
He had to work in a hospital room, it was not even possible to place an easel, had to put the canvas on the table, opposite to which sat in an armchair Mussorgsky.
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Alberto Vargas' adult pin-up classic of the genre
Даже работая в таком легкомысленном жанре как пин-ап, можно стать всемирно известным художником, просто нужно относиться к своему творчеству предельно серьёзно
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