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How to buy

How to buy goods on ArtAlebrio

When you store on ArtAlebrio, you are directly supporting a small business. You can always contact the seller by writing a message with questions about the product and order.

A few tips for finding a good deal:

  • Choose items among active sellers
  • When you add an item to your cart, if the seller has not been on the site for a long time, you will see a notification.
  • Check out the Promo and VIP Selections, where you will find only carefully selected and verified products.
  • Filter your search results by discount, store location, color, etc.
  • Check store reviews, product reviews, policies, shipping times, badge availability - all to help you make your decision.

What should I do if an item is unavailable?
If the item is unavailable, it means that it is sold out, the seller has closed the store or gone on vacation, or has hidden the ad.
Look for a similar item in the store or contact the seller - they may be able to help you. It's possible that there are more copies in stock or that the seller will return soon and reopen the store.
If that doesn't work, search the catalog at ArtAlebrio for similar items.

How to place an order on ArtAlebrio

ArtAlebrio ofers many ways to pay safely..

  • You can quickly purchase one item using Add to Cart on the listing. If you want to buy more than one item, continue selecting items and adding them to your cart in the catalog.
  • Go to Cart, select the items you want to buy.
  • Correctly specify the data of the recipient, Index, country of the recipient, city, street and house number. First and last name of the recipient.
  • If you have a Promo Code use it on this page.
  • Clicking -Buy- you pay for the order and confirm the correctness of the entered data of the recipient of the goods.

Shopping internationally? Learn how currency conversion work on artAlebrio.

After you complete your order

artAlebrio will send you a message for each shop you purchased from. If you have any questions about your order, be sure to reach out to your seller directly.

Find your order on the Purchases page.

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