When painting nudes is shameful and your male colleagues treat you with disdain. The life and work of Elizabeth Nourse.
Elizabeth favored realism even when Impressionism dominated the art scene. She refused to follow fashion trends, focusing on honest and authentic depictions of life.
A creepy Danish ballad based on the plot of which the artist Frederick Burton created a painting recognized as a world masterpiece.
The girl, as if by accident, accidentally touched his shoulder, and the knight reverently fell on her hand. And the rose petals on the steps of the tower serve as harbingers of tragedy.
Tragedy and Triumph of Alexander Ivanov: A Life Dedicated to Art, 20 Years in Vain
Formally, it was considered a success, Alexander II acquired it and appointed a solid salary to the artist. Although more and more critics were inclined to think that the painting was already hopelessly outdated.
Not quite an ordinary Iranian woman. Satirical caricatures by Mahnaz Yazdani, created in defiance of all social conventions.
They looked at her askance, but soon accepted her into their circle, fortunately the young artist was full of interesting ideas and knew how to skillfully embody them in drawings.