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He kidnapped her from the monastery, fortunately Lucrezia herself was not at all against it, and after the allotted time they gave birth to an illegitimate son, Filippino. The second son, Alexandro, was born this time in a legal marriage.
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He painted paintings that were considered "blatantly obscene" and became the father of modern art without meaning to. The difficult destiny of Edouard Manet.
He depicted a perfectly ordinary pastime of wealthy gentlemen with girls of easy virtue. The Salon jury began to fear his paintings like fire, and Manet himself no longer expected anything good from the public. Manet was already 50 years old and suffering from a serious illness. All these trappings no longer appealed to him.
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Пустился под старость во все тяжкие. Огюст Роден, чьи скульптуры слишком поздно признали по достоинству.
А потом Роден, измученный нищетой и воздержанием, пустился во все тяжкие. Приобрёл виллу Брийан, благо денег у него было предостаточно, и заводил многочисленные, часто беспорядочные связи с женщинами. У него уже было всё — награды, в том числе ордена Почётного легиона
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​Drew "indecent pictures", was accused of having an affair with Oscar Wilde and died at the age of 25. The tragic fate of Aubrey Beardsley and his drawings.
Drew "indecent pictures", was accused of having an affair with Oscar Wilde and died at the age of 25. The tragic fate of Aubrey Beardsley and his drawings.
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​Наглый копиист или достойный сын своего отца? Питер Брейгель Младший и его работы.
Они копировали композицию и форму написанных людей и предметов. Достаточно было прикрепить их к доске, обвести карандашом и готовый набросок картины готов. Он был неплохим мастером, благодаря его стараниям и менее обеспеченные люди могли приобщиться к живописи.
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​За сколько Лиотар продал свою картину «Прекрасная шоколадница»? Выдающийся мастер пастели и его замечательные работы.
Лиотар не создал новую школу в живописи, не стал новатором определившим её развитие, да и брать на вооружение его наработки другие художники не спешили. Зато он стал одним из рекордсменов по числу копий своих картин, а его работы восхищают многих любителей живописи и по сей день.
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"Fruits of a Perverted Fancy." William Blake and his paintings, which were first criticized and then recognized as outstanding works of art.
Blake presented several of his paintings to the public - he wanted to become famous not only as an engraver, but also as an artist. However, they were seen by local journalist Robert Hunt, who did not like either the paintings themselves or Blake's statements about Rubens.
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Зачем Джеймс Уистлер заставлял посетителей своих выставок надевать жёлтую бабочку? Самый экстравагантный американский художник XIX века.
Редко кто отказывался — люди уже привыкли к чудачествам Уистлера и рассматривали их как часть художественного перформанса, в котором они тоже принимают участие. Признание всё же пришло, но слишком поздно. Уистлер был морально и физически измотан.
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He was the father of 40 children, loved many sitters and painted pictures that evoke contradictory feelings. Lucian Freud and his work.
He kept his personal life carefully hidden from everyone, although it was very turbulent. He was not very careful about his health, did not deny himself anything, but managed to live 88 years.
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He invented his own style of painting and was the first master of body art in Russia. Avant-garde painter Mikhail Larionov and his unusual personal life.
Larionov all his free time studied the paintings of artists, visited museums and exhibitions. In painting and required something new, he managed to achieve a certain success and be in demand.
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They wrote denunciations or ironized Soviet reality in their paintings. How did the revolution of 1917 change the lives of artists?
“What are these flying red horses, why not write in a positive way ordinary Soviet reality?” - they questioned. The 1917 Revolution changed the lives of many people before and after the...
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Прожил 99 лет, любил всех натурщиц и умер от чумы. Великий колорист Тициан и его чудесные картины.
Его картины навечно вошли в мировой фонд искусства. Тициан побежал туда и буквально из огня успел вынести несколько картин. Тициан проживёт очень долго, будет писать картины, любить женщин, а заодно получит славу великого колориста.
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Japanese artist who painted an engraving that shocked Europeans. Hokusai's "Great Wave" and its hidden meaning.
In the Land of the Rising Sun, ideally, it is customary to study throughout your life. You need to have a lot of imagination to paint 100 views of the same Mount Fuji. Perhaps the engraving is the artist’s attempt to show the frailty and vanity of people.
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Demolished the Vendôme Column in Paris and painted paintings that were not understood by critics. Disgraced artist Gustave Courbet.
“How could such a huge canvas, worthy of epic subjects, depict a miserable funeral in a small village? Where is the perspective, the composition, why are the characters just standing in a row?”
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Russian beauties in the paintings of famous artists, about which not everyone knows.
However, when the portrait was ready, he simply put it aside in a far corner, and told the customer to come back for it in a month. He simply went abroad, leaving his son and wife to fend for themselves.
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​Лучший друг короля. Диего Веласкес и его потрясающие картины.
Так сошлись два неординарных человека — Филиппа IV и великолепный художник Диего Веласкес. С Веласкесом король мог быть откровенным и честным, знал, тот не будет приторно льстить. Он вернулся домой в Мадрид, а умер на руках короля, ставшего его верным другом.
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The amorous Gustav Klimt and his "indecent" paintings - by critics' rejection to viewers' love.
His paintings were always eagerly purchased by art lovers, providing a good income. But few people managed to write like Klimt and develop their own innovative style in painting. But he began to paint with pleasure what he liked, and he liked mainly paintings with naked women.
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The last rococo artist who painted frivolous and “obscene” paintings
All this decorativeness, elegance, piquancy rococo was his native element. It is thanks to his paintings that it seems to us that life then was frivolously elegant.
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Был востребован при всех режимах. Эжен Делакруа и его впечатляющие картины
Делакруа писал всегда в очень жарко натопленной художественной мастерской, а шею обматывал шарфом. Любил с глубокомысленным видом сообщать взрослым азбучные истины. Критики были недовольны - как можно было писать обнажённую девушку?!
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The most arrogant artist in Holland, whose formal portraits were considered by critics to be the best in the history of painting.
In Antwerp, painting was considered a dignified occupation, and Rubens worked there. And when van Dyck was 20, rumors began to spread among customers: "Van Dyck paints like Rubens, but charges a lot less"...
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Avenged her rapist in her paintings. The tragic fate of the Baroque era's most talented artist and her impressive artwork.
Few women at the time were seriously pursuing painting, science or art. They encapsulate the no-nonsense drama that the artist emphasizes. Her father taught her how to paint light and shade correctly. A quality characteristic only of really strong personalities.
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