Main | Art Blog | We lived like this. Valentin Gubarev's soulful paintings about ordinary people, causing a feeling of pinching nostalgia.
We lived like this. Valentin Gubarev's soulful paintings about ordinary people, causing a feeling of pinching nostalgia.

We lived like this. Valentin Gubarev's soulful paintings about ordinary people, causing a feeling of pinching nostalgia.

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Valentin Gubarev is a Belarusian artist who writes paintings in the style of primitivism, which despite the obvious caricature and simple technique, always resonate with many art lovers: they are very soulfully written, close to the psychology and worldview of many of our fellow citizens.

The feast

Many of them are ironic, and so much so that the artist has been labeled "unreliable." However, Gubarev himself says that "misplaced irony" is solely the opinion of some officials who are simply afraid when artwork evokes any other feelings than patriotism and "blissful satisfaction with our successes". Gubarev tries to be honest, although in his paintings he actively uses elements of the grotesque, but not to offend anyone, but to better and more expressively convey his thought to the viewer.

Lenin in October

Extremes attract, and the "golden mean" only causes boredom. The most difficult thing for an artist, according to Gubarev, is to identify something completely non-banal in the ordinary, to look at familiar things from a different angle, and only when this all succeeds do you get real "little masterpieces".

After the holiday

Gubarev's characters can be found anywhere - they are quite ordinary people, with their usual problems, worries and joys. Some of them could not find themselves in the present time, continue to live in the past, according to the concepts and morals of the Soviet era, poor, but honest. And Gubarev himself sincerely sympathizes with them, but also sympathizes, in his opinion, nowadays there is a lack of such people - artless, naive in some respects, who have not lost the notion of decency, who can enjoy simple pleasures and be satisfied with little, not trying to go "over the head" in pursuit of money and social status. This is a kind of endangered species of positive nonsacrificers.


And let the interiors of their houses remind of the Soviet era, many of them do not mind drinking and snacking, and the straying Santa Claus must be led on a sled, because he himself will not reach, but the main thing - they are sincere in their desires and their aspirations, no matter how outdated they may seem now.

And in our yard

And everyone who grew up in the Soviet Union, when you look at Gubarev's paintings you feel a pang of nostalgia - how soulfully and talented, albeit with a good dose of irony, they depict the usual in youth night dates, scenes of feasts and views of yards, when we lived, though in tight quarters, but clearly not in resentment. It is a perfect excursion into the past, but not dreary and hopeless, as in Shulzhenko's paintings, but ordinary, as we remember it now.

The light bulb burned out

Then there was not yet a popular craze for fashionable diets, so the women in Gubarev's paintings, following the famous saying "a good man should be a lot", are obviously very good.

On the balcony

And this is not a fetish of the artist, just a desire to show that "a woman should be feminine", and not to resemble the fashionable nowadays skinny model, "resembling a ski stick figure". Yes, and, it seems, the extra weight does not bother neither its owners, nor their beau. Why, this is real life, which is fundamentally different from the pictures in glossy magazines.

And what feelings Gubarev's paintings evoke in you - write in the comments.

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