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A moment of positivity. Funny and touching drawings by artist Rudi Hurtzlmeier

A moment of positivity. Funny and touching drawings by artist Rudi Hurtzlmeier

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Art should be different, and it is hard to argue with this thesis. In addition to serious paintings that are true masterpieces, there are many funny illustrations that may not have a particularly deep meaning, but looking at them invariably improves your mood. This is especially important now. That's why we decided to make a selection of paintings by an artist who draws in a positive way, in a light genre. Now, when there is spring in the yard, you want to relax and smile, we hope this selection will help you do it.


Rudi Hurzlmeier (Born: November 13, 1952 in Bavaria) is a German artist specializing in humorous pictures and cartoons. At first, he could not dream of a serious career as an artist. Life in post-war Germany was hardly easy, but the same can be said for all the countries involved in World War II. After school, Rudi changed many professions, but few of them could be proud of - gas station attendant, tile-setter, mannequin maker, antiques dealer and even gigolo.

We'll fly

But gradually creativity began to take over, Rudy realized that he could earn money for a living not only by physical labor, so he began to draw various cartoons, and like the wonderful artist Arkhip Kuindzhi or Leonardo da Vinci himself, he was self-taught. But here it is rather a forced decision - he had no money to pay for training at an art school. But you have to be a real optimist to write not gloomy pictures, but cheerful cartoons. Perhaps it was the demand for such drawings in German magazines and newspapers.

No one is stranger to fun

At first he drew simple comic strips and learned from other cartoonists. He also tried his hand as a journalist - Rudi's articles appeared in many German publications of all kinds. But gradually the desire to draw overpowered, and the demand and payment for cartoons were higher. To become a real shark of the pen, it was necessary to study in a specialty - in Germany with this strictly, ordnung however. Gradually the demand for Rudi's cartoons increased and from the beginning of 1990 he started to draw as an independent artist working under the pseudonym RuDiHu. Still, 38 years old is the time to choose your main profession, to which you can devote the rest of your life and move up the career ladder.


Rudy used various techniques - acrylics, watercolors, ink, but never painted in oil, but he did not need it. In addition to cartoons, he was also engaged in illustrating books - there were more than 40 editions of various artists with illustrations by this artist.

Gradually came and recognition - Rudy three times awarded the German national award of caricaturists. He became quite a prolific artist - 30 albums of his cartoons have been published, not including unique illustrations for books.


Rudi collaborated with German cartoonist Harri Rovolt, who had a hand in the series of cartoons “Little Polar Bear”, not particularly known in Russia, but popular in Germany. After that, Rudy's style of artwork began to change - he began to draw anthropomorphic animals, which he fully endowed with human features. His work is similar to the drawings of Louis Wayne.

A cat with a harmonica (music is omnipotent)

Except that Wayne's drawings, and he drew mostly cats and cats, often resemble subtle English humor built on self-irony, they are more childlike, it is not by chance that Wayne was an illustrator of books for children.

Rudy's cartoons are aimed more at an adult audience, although they can be shown to children as well - they are not the extreme naturalism of Lucian Freud or the scary paintings of Bacon or Caravaggio.

Music Bear

But not all of them. Some drawings are the artist's view on the vices and shortcomings of our society, and Rudy laughs there wickedly and mercilessly, and the artwork itself is on the edge of decency.

Not every magazine would dare to print such cartoons, but Rudy is constantly collaborating with the German satirical magazine “Titanic” and some other similar publications.

To each his own

He was no stranger to black humor - for example, he could draw a horse eating its rider. Of course, this cartoon had a certain subtext connected with some social or political phenomena.

Wondering - could our publications place something similar in the present time? The times of sharp cartoons on the pages of various Russian newspapers seem to have remained in the 90s, when one could, for example, remember the drawings of Victor Balabas.

The morning of an exhibitionist

But in addition to sharp cartoons and outright vulgarity - by the way, Germany has a slightly different attitude to sex than we do - you need to exercise to keep healthy, like jogging, because Germans do not perceive physical intimacy as something indecent - Rudy drew a whole series of drawings for all ages. They are cute and touching, reminiscent of Soviet cartoons or artwork by 19th century artists like Louis Wayne.


This is where Rudy's talent as an illustrator shines through. There are whole series of his drawings devoted to different animals, especially bears, funny cats and cats or touching birds in boots. Here he also laughs, but no longer evil, but kindly, like a good teacher unobtrusively and not offensively, with a share of good humor points out any shortcomings and encourages to become better.

Insatiable greed

In a similar style he draws people - cheerful and kind fat people, not resembling classic cartoon characters at all.

The drawings of many artists can be different, so if you see something obscene, you shouldn't label all of their work. By the way, Rudi himself has held over a hundred solo exhibitions of his drawings and cartoons, so there is plenty to choose from.

Now Rudi Hurtzlmeier lives and lives in Munich and will surely be pleased with many more of his drawings.

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