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If a painting shows full naked women doing who knows what - it's not vulgarity, it's Rubens! About the famous painter.

If a painting shows full naked women doing who knows what - it's not vulgarity, it's Rubens! About the famous painter.

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Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) - one of the most influential representatives of the Baroque, who painted paintings of various genres - portraits, landscapes, genre scenes on historical, mythological and religious themes, characterized by great attention to detail and exquisite color, in the spirit of the works of Titian. His paintings are characterized by well-considered composition, masterful and faithful rendering of the complex emotional states of their characters, and impeccable technical execution. Although many perceive Rubens as a "lover of full women", which he really wrote a lot.

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But it was not a fetish, but an idea of the ideal of beauty, which corresponded to the concepts of the time - just fullness was associated with the strength of the body, the possibility for women to give birth to healthy children. Poor meant thin, because of the lack of money for food, and lush forms testified to the position in society and wealth. However, full in the paintings of Rubens were goddesses and all sorts of mythical characters, unlike the images adopted in the ancient era, which were closer to modern standards.

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His work has been interpreted differently by different artists, and few of whose paintings caused such fierce controversy. Delacroix openly admired Rubens, in his notes mentioned him more than 100 times and told his students to copy his paintings, not paying attention to the work of other artists - anyway, no one better has not yet written. But Picasso believed that "Rubens wasted his talent for vulgarity," and his paintings - a kind of glossy XVII century and treat them like photos in men's magazines.

Fur coat. Portrait of Elena Fowrman.

However, Rubens his life and creativity all proved that the artist and the man he is more than worthy, and the fact that he loved money, knew how to earn them and put the production of his paintings on the stream, involving his students and apprentices, and independently only finalized the faces, determined the overall composition and put a proud inscription "Rubens" so it, compared to the deeds of many aristocrats and kings of the time, a sin is not serious.

Self-Portrait with Isabella Brant

His contemporaries noted that Rubens was characterized by a majestic posture, lively and perceptive mind, calm character and pleasant voice. Here is his daily routine: he got up at dawn - and in the summer it could be 4-5 am, prayed and began to work, and not to waste time hired a reader who read him a book. After 12 hours, with a short break for lunch, he would finish and go for a walk, ride a horse or go to his friends, of whom he had many. And so he spent his time until dark, remembering that tomorrow he had to get up early and work again.

Landscape with a rainbow

He knew six languages, had impeccable manners, and from the age of 13 he studied on the page. It is believed that Rubens wrote about 1400 paintings and it is not impressionist landscapes, but large multifigure canvases with an area of several square meters with a complex composition. Of course, he was helped by his students, but still the scale of the work done is impressive.

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And this and the fact that he was listened to by many European monarchs and was invited to serve as an advisor on complex political and international affairs. Thus, he carried out delicate commissions for the Duke of Mantua and, afterwards, for the Infanta Isabella. In his studio, working on a portrait of King Charles I at the same time had conversations with him about politics. Moreover, he made serious efforts to establish, finally, peace between Spain and England, drawn into a brutal 30-year war.

Dismounting from the cross

Rubens was married twice. The first time to Isabella, with whom he happily lived for 17 years. After her untimely death he grieved for 4 years and only then took as his wife a young beauty Elena Fowrman. With her he was happy for the last 10 years of his life, deciding to leave politics and diplomacy and devote himself entirely to family matters and his favorite painting.

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