Angela Jerich's drawings can often be seen on the Internet, they are eagerly posted on social networks, and the comments under them are mostly relaxed - “it was like that, we remembered our childhood and youth, it brought back nostalgia”. However, not much is written about the artist herself, so we will try to fill this gap.
Angela Jerich is a native of Donetsk, where she lived all her life, but now, for obvious reasons, she moved to Crimea. But she has not forgotten about Donetsk, as it is impossible to forget about her homeland, there is a whole series of drawings dedicated to this city, for example, Baba Klava FOREVER or Shakhtar Gothic.
Miner's Gothic
And the characters in her paintings are often taken from life, many of them are her friends and acquaintances, or just interesting types met on the street or in the store, such as, for example, a saleswoman, self-consciously tapping on the keys of the cash register, in the painting Beethoven.
But the main thing in Jerich's paintings is the opportunity to nostalgize for those whose childhood and youth was in the Soviet years, when everything was simple and clear, many problems could be solved by parents, you could eat a whole jar of condensed milk and not think about excess weight, and life seemed easy and right.
New Year
Jerich remembers the USSR, but she does not weep with longing for
Baba Klava FOREVER
Jerich displays some basic elements of our life, which together, like bricks, make up the very essence of existence, the notion of what is called a small homeland and everyday reality.
A wedge with a wedge
The time range of Jerich's paintings varies from 1950s to the present day, although they are mostly about the 1980s. At that time, the artist herself graduated from school and faced all the peculiarities of life in the Soviet Union in the era of Brezhnev's stagnation and the beginning of perestroika.
Morning off
It was about this time that she wrote the painting “Morning off” - it's 1989, young men are relaxing after a week of work, drinking beer and eating eggs, having half-drunk conversations about everything in the world. And yet it remains remarkably relevant. Perhaps now everyone would have a telephone on his desk or in his pocket, some elements of everyday life like a pre-flood receiver would have disappeared, but office plankton, sales clerks or students graduating from the institute organize such gatherings in the kitchen. Yes, now there are plenty of nightclubs and cafes, but who wants to leave half a salary there? And you can buy beer at the nearest supermarket.
There is no turning back
Some basic things in life are unchanging, and Jerich's paintings are not just about Soviet nostalgia, but about our lives, which is perhaps why they have become so popular.
Many of the women in Angela Jerich's paintings look lush and attractive, such as this pensive bride who caused quite a furor on social media.
Between the past and the future
She stands on the threshold of her house, where all her past, pre-marital life took place, and thinks about her decision: “Is it necessary to get married now?”. But it's too late to change anything, the car is waiting for her with guests and her fiancé, so she only has to finish the last cigarette in her free girlhood.
Angela's going to the parade
Sometimes Jerich draws herself, of course, in an ironic manner and one can only envy her healthy sense of humor. She said that it is easy to draw herself - no one will be offended and will not criticize.
There are at Jerich and paintings about modern life, very personal - for example, where she and her husband riding a motorcycle in a Spanish resort town. So Jerich is clearly not poor, and the Soviet memories are far from the brightest in her life.
For you
She stated, “long live the internet, it eliminates the need to exhibit and hang out in an artistic environment.” And indeed, without the internet and social media, few people would know of Jerich's artwork. But they're not the worst thing on the net, at least they bring a smile and a sense of healthy nostalgia that no one could use.
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