Main | Art Blog | Exposed the problems of modern society. Gerhard Haderer's poignant cartoons, for which he was wanted to be imprisoned.
Exposed the problems of modern society. Gerhard Haderer's poignant cartoons, for which he was wanted to be imprisoned.

Exposed the problems of modern society. Gerhard Haderer's poignant cartoons, for which he was wanted to be imprisoned.

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Austrian cartoonist Gerhard Haderer (1951-present) works in the now quite rare genre of political cartoons, scourging the vices of modern society, has been criticized more than once and even received a suspended sentence for a series of cartoons from the life of Christ. And this is in the tolerant West, although it is fair to say that for similar cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in Muslim countries he would hardly get away with a prison sentence, no matter how long it was.

Everything will fit

However, Haderer does not change himself, even after criminal prosecution he continues to draw sharply and wittily, ridiculing everything negative that exists in the modern world, making us think about its problems. Moreover, unlike our wonderful cartoonists, in particular, Herman Ogorodnikov, he does not sympathize with his characters, does not give them a chance for correction, but simply shows, often in a somewhat exaggerated and exaggerated form of their shortcomings. However, this is not the empty gloating of a man offended by something; Haderer sincerely dislikes many things in modern Western society, and this saddens him, which is reflected in his cartoons.

Autocartoon. / Gerhard Haderer is an Austrian satirical artist.

For example, the famous Viennese Ball for high society. Wealthy politicians, businessmen and cultural bohemians in tuxedos - this event is not allowed even in tuxedos, and with their companions, who have been transformed by the efforts of plastic surgeons into bearers of huge silicone breasts and lips.

Vienna Ball

Where is natural beauty? Has the fashion inspired by show business, mass culture and actresses of hot movies spread so deeply and affected even the elite? Has the size of the companion's breasts and lips become a kind of measure of coolness? And what should these girls, all kinds of models and mannequins, who have never studied anywhere and never studied for uselessness, do if their silicone charms get bored with a rich daddy or fashion changes? Well, if you manage to sue a couple of million for a secure existence, and so a direct route to the adult entertainment industry, where they will be welcomed with open arms.

European Parliament

But it turns out that deputies have nothing to do in the West. And their approach to entertainment, with the easy hand of Haderer, they have a thorough, even badminton and grill managed to organize themselves, not to mention banal crossword puzzles. What is there to think about the people?

Last selfies

Haderer also laughs at the desire to take selfies of himself regardless of the place or situation.


Ironizes over various emoticons and the general desire of everyone to hide their true feelings and emotions behind them. But then people's reactions to certain events become too standard, as if you were dealing not with different personalities, but with a certain bot, with pre-programmed actions. Boring, girls.

Summer vacation

Haderer has a sharp look at the mass summer vacation and the extreme traffic congestion on the highways. In the artist's opinion, this is exactly what a weekend in traffic looks like. Indeed, one has to be very unpretentious to be satisfied with such a vacation, but if we remember that some people often spend as much time traveling to the sea or to nature as staying there, Haderer's irony becomes quite bitter.

I can't see anything. I hear nothing. I won't say anything to anyone

Gerhard Haderer did not immediately become a ruthless satirist. He started out in an advertising agency, but in 1980 he became seriously ill with cancer. After his recovery, he reconsidered his attitude to life and decided to draw only what he liked, so that artwork could turn from a dull chore into a pleasure.

Out of time

He always had a good sense of humor, was able to notice the negative in the modern world, to find the right images and themes for graphic representation of this or that modern problem. That's why he became a cartoonist.

A typical family

A few years later, Haderer's popularity grew by leaps and bounds, publishers paid good money for his artwork, he published several collections of his cartoons and organized solo exhibitions. For more than 30 years Haderer has been exposing the problems of modern life, which, in general, turned out to be universal for any European country, which is probably why his cartoons are so popular and relevant today.

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