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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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​Что такого необычного в картине Аркадия Пластова «Весна» и почему многие её нещадно критиковали?
Настоящий гимн юности, написанная искренне, от души и удивительно достоверно. А осталась лишь тихая грусть по ушедшему времени. Было принято изображать советские успехи в труде, а романтика, чувственность, все эти «охи-вздохи» должны остаться в прошлом...
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Became famous for creating nude paintings. Italian artist Francesco Ayetz and his sensual works.
At the age of 15, Francesco was accepted into the most prestigious art school in Italy. Now in his work became more noticeable romantic motifs. Modern European ladies in an unsightly form should not be depicted, but odalisques from the harem - as much as you like....
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"I am the most successful artist in Russia, but only by the amount of swearing." Ilya Mashkov and his stunning paintings.
Many artists preferred to abandon the usual manner of painting. His immense talent was combined with a clear love of creativity and a desire to "break into the people". However, he was expected to paint on revolutionary themes.
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Gustave Courbet's most provocative paintings that he didn't dare to put on public display
It was they who caused the greatest discontent of the public - how could one write such low things. Aesthetics and beauty are in the first place there, and the unconcealed sensuality of the girls only emphasizes their attractiveness.
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Who is she the “Lady with the Ermine” in Leonardo da Vinci's painting and what unseemly moments are associated with her life?
The authorship of the painting by Leonardo da Vinci himself is in doubt. Caecilia is believed to be the mistress of the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforze. Caecilia is depicted half-turned, which was an innovation for the time. She lived quite a long life by the standards of the time - 63 years and died in honor.
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Harsh paintings by Soviet artist Geliy Korzhev, which will not leave anyone indifferent.
He portrayed the harsh Soviet life unvarnished. He never made it to the front, the management decided that capable students should be saved. There is no varnishing of reality, the heroes are harsh and courageous....
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