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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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Stunning nudes with portraits of Nikolai Feshin and his amazing life, in which found a place for a real miracle
And he began to paint after that incident, as if the icon had given him a piece of some divine talent. His painting "Cabbage Girl" made a sensation, he was awarded a medal and allowed to go to Italy and France. The divine miracle in his childhood was not for nothing at all.
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Soviet nudes and delightful dancers by Alexander Gerasimov, painted from the heart, not by socialist order
He is considered the classic "court painter" of the top Soviet leadership. He painted his famous painting "Lenin on the rostrum". But for the soul he painted quite other pictures, which the official authorities did not advertise.
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A French artist who had his hand in paintings of nude beauties, whose work was first praised and then condemned
The artist's attention to detail was thorough, and if it is a fantasy on a free theme, it is very convincing. Jerome loved and knew how to paint nudes, but did so under the “fig leaf” of academism.
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Intimate portraits of Ilya Repin, which he painted not to show the public, his relationship with Natalia Nordman and public outrage.
He hurriedly bid farewell to the ladies and said to Tenisheva: "and this one here, never bring her again". Also sincerely sympathized with the common people, otherwise he would not have painted his best paintings. Nordman still managed to give 15 happy years to Repin.
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Banned in the USSR underground artist Vyacheslav Kalinin and his provocative paintings, which became very popular in the West.
He was mostly brought up in the courtyard, so he firmly followed courtyard notions. He became a prominent member of the underground crowd, a witness to all the significant events in the life of the artistic underground. Kalinin's paintings are often colorful, satirical, theatrical.
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“Vienna pornographer” Egon Schiele, his frank paintings and his numerous liaisons, which were justified only by the artist's talent.
In his art he is too fixated on negative manifestations of love and blatant sensuality. Morality, morality - nothing, he is an artist, and he is allowed more than others. It is a joke to exhibit his paintings next to the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh and Edvard Munch.
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