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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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Nostalgia for the USSR with ironic drawings by Angela Jerich.
Without the internet and social media, few people would know about Jerich's artwork. The time range in Jerich's paintings varies from the 1950s to the present day, although they are mostly about the 1980s.
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The very same “Krokodil”. Funny and topical cartoons by the editor-in-chief of this magazine German Ogorodnikov
Ogorodnikov depicted all these negative phenomena in his cartoons, but without excessive blackness, although you could draw anything, as there was practically no censorship.
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Funny and immodest cartoons by Igor Makarov about autumn and family life
Even if it drips a little rain, but golden maple leaves fall from above.
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Painted nude beauties, although he considered himself a Christian artist. Maurice Denis and his impressive paintings.
Denis was happy and in demand all his life, as if God himself had blessed the artist. A painter should not engage in empty copying, painting is a reflection of his attitude to the subject he is painting.
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Vasya Lozhkin and his paintings, which now look defiantly brave
By the way, Lozhkin does not consider himself an artist, he did not study in an art school, and can not draw a real picture in the style of realism. Lozhkin himself once said that they are all extremely concrete, without metaphors, an old woman with an axe is just an old woman with an axe.
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Occultist and lover of models František Kupka, who always followed his own path, even if to the detriment of the artist himself
He saw enemies and ill-wishers everywhere, it seemed to him that he was always being pursued, although in fact few people in general needed an elderly artist. His fascination with the occult eventually allowed him to conduct spiritistic séances and receive good money for it.
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