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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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Let's cure autumn moping with cheerful and optimistic cartoons by Olga Gromova.
Gromova laughed at the irrepressible female desire to look prettier. Real people who are just playing a beautiful virtual life like a computer game.
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Viciousness and sensuality. Red-haired girls in paintings by famous artists.
The goddess of love and beauty appears naked and with luxurious red hair. The goddess of love and beauty appears naked and with luxurious red hair.
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​Изумительные портреты юных девушек китайского художника Гуань Цзецзуя, принесшие ему мировую славу.
Гуань Цзецзуй очень старался соответствовать их ожиданиям, усердно учился. Девушки на портретах художника хоть юны и красивы, но скромны и целомудренны.
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Exposed the problems of modern society. Gerhard Haderer's poignant cartoons, for which he was wanted to be imprisoned.
Haderer sincerely dislikes many things about modern Western society and this saddens him, which is reflected in his cartoons.
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What's wrong with Valery Barykin's Soviet pin-up?
In Soviet times, pin-up was banned in our country. Barykin's pin-ups are more straightforward, the fantasy and mystery have disappeared. The objectives of posters and pin-ups were generally the same.
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The face of a fifteen year old, the body of a twenty year old and a minimum of clothes. The secret to American pin-up.
Girls you can meet in ordinary life and easily fall in love with. Many illustrators living in the USA realized that this was the “gold mine”, so they started to draw pin-ups on an industrial scale.
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