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Funny and witty comics about the hard lot of men that are sure to make you smile

Funny and witty comics about the hard lot of men that are sure to make you smile

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The Internet is full of various funny pictures and comics about the lives of girls and women, which show all the details of their lives, down to the most personal. Sometimes it seems that every blogger who wants to attract at least a little attention to herself, begins to post pictures about the “hard fate of women”, as a result, the quantity often prevails over quality and originality. But with comics about men the situation is somewhat different: there are not so many artists working in this direction, perhaps because men are somehow considered shameful to complain about their share and their lives. But if you do it with a good dose of irony, then everything is perceived quite differently. We will talk about comics that show the hard lot of men in this article.


The collection opens with “Bearded Heart”, a comic strip by artist Viktor Kutyumov about an extremely brutal bearded man and all sorts of prejudices about how a “real man” should behave. According to the artist, he has the right to confess his love only once, and in case of refusal, the rest of his life must live alone. Indeed, it is an unenviable fate.

Men don't flirt

The authors are happy to joke about one of the most popular preconceptions, that men only care about one size and don't care about anything else, as in a comic by online artist Yukiodraw.

Size matters

They also laugh at the conceit of some “young men with a blazing eye” who want very much to present themselves as brutal, having seen everything in life macho, while everyone around them treats them completely differently, and sales clerks demand an ID.


But being married is often even more difficult for a man, especially when his wife suddenly considers self-medicating him, as in the comic strip by Brazilian artist Chrislaine assos.

Just a pimple

And how to prove to this self-confident girl that inadvertently popped a pimple - a thing is not so terrible and not necessarily squeeze it out with forceps, and those methods that she used in adolescence to fight pimples, do not have to test on her husband. Or maybe it is a kind of revenge for all the torment? Who will understand them, girls:)

Difficult character

The topic of relationships in general is eternal, as well as the difference in male and female psychology. Here, for example, a comic strip by Ekaterina Isakova about the heavy female character. However, the girl herself probably does not think so, but who but her husband, to know all the features and subtleties of her vulnerable soul, and to experience the storm of other people's emotions on a variety of occasions.

Boy, that's a tough stick

Artist and graphic artist Andre Muller can already be called a master of his craft - he has been drawing various pictures for magazines, newspapers and the web for 18 years, so his comics are quite professional, with elaborate, confident drawing and correctly constructed composition. But the main thing here is the idea - and with it Muller has everything in order, he does not trade on primitive jokes below the belt, but about the peculiarities of male perception, which turned out to be completely incomprehensible to the female soul - this is another matter. In fact, we are very different, but perhaps that's why we love each other so much.

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