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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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A real lucky man. Alphonse Mucha and his stunning Art Nouveau paintings.
For twenty years, Mucha painted these pictures, so in tune with his Slavic soul. They reflected significant historical events taking place in Bohemia and other Slavic countries.
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If a painting shows full naked women doing who knows what - it's not vulgarity, it's Rubens! About the famous painter.
But it was not a fetish, but a representation of the ideal of beauty, which corresponded to the concepts of the time. Picasso believed that "Rubens wasted his talent for vulgarity. Rubens knew six languages, had impeccable manners.
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Hid all his life the shameful truth about his relationship. The author of "American Gothic," Grant Wood.
Grant Wood was not too happy about this popularity and generally tried to talk less about himself and his personal life. He was not a typical farmer, not too fond of small, dreary American towns. There was an unspoken rule of "don't ask, don't tell".
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Anti-Soviet paintings by famous artists that make a very strong impression
But the memory of my father, unjustly shot at the infamous Butovo polygon, did not give rest. And it is impossible not to understand and forgive all those involved,
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He painted ceremonial portraits of Stalin, but became famous for his anti-Soviet paintings. Diverse creativity of Yuri Kugach
He sincerely believed that the artist should capture the beauty of native nature. Kugach quite objectively looked at everything that was happening in the Soviet Union. The decision had already been made in advance, and the plan for the raskulachivaniya must be carried out.
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Little-known paintings of Russian itinerant artists, which will definitely not show in school textbooks.
In poor families it was widely practiced to give their young children to be apprentices. And they are completely defenseless against a healthy man, who in a drunken rage is capable of anything. The artist raised the problem of corporal punishment.
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