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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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Why did Pavel Tretyakov collect paintings? His main life principle that gives the answer to this question.
Well, the main reason why Tretyakov became a collector of paintings is that all his life he followed a simple principle: "to profit in order that what is gained from society should also be returned to society". How many good things would be if everyone, including our oligarchs, followed this principle. It is a pity that Tretyakov was only a rare exception.
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20 лет работы коту под хвост. Почему публика так и не оценила грандиозное полотно художника Александра Иванова?
На картине Иванов изобразил один из ключевых моментов из Библии — Иоанн Креститель указывает собравшимся людям на идущего к ним Иисуса Христа. И вот как изобразить реакцию совершенно разных людей на первую встречу с Иисусом Христом? Очень интересная и важная задача, для любого верующего человека и большого художника, именно поэтому Иванов так тщательно подошёл к этой работе.
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Why did the wonderful Russian artist Pavel Fedotov go mad and what is the main feature of his painting "Fresh Cavalier"?
By his main profession Fedorov was a captain of the Guards, and drew on the dictates of the soul and so well that even the Emperor Nicholas I himself, deigned to issue the highest resolution: "drawing officer Paul Fedorov to leave the military service and engage in art ...".
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Что было не так в картине Василия Сурикова «Утро стрелецкой казни» и какие её основные особенности?
На среднем находятся стрельцы, сидящие на телегах и наконец, на верхнем — лобное место и зрители на крышах торговых рядов. Тогда они находились на Красной площади, а чтобы лучше рассмотреть все подробности казни мальчишки и молодые мужчины лезли туда, где лучше видно.
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The picture "The Easter Procession" has been banned for 40 years. Was it really that bad?
When morning comes, the bishop and the deacon will sober up, go to church and repent of their deed: "the devil got into their heads". The laity will whisper in the corners: "But during Easter week the priest did it", but it will be enough for him to read another sermon - after repentance it will surely be especially sincere and inspiring and they will forgive him
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Against all odds. Five Soviet-era artists who painted in the style of Russian Impressionism.
But there were impressionists and in our homeland, they are not as many as we would like, but they left their mark in the art and not small. We will talk about the five best paintings by Russian Impressionists in this article.
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