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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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Inner freedom in an unfree time. Why is Nikolai Yaroshenko's painting "Life Is Everywhere" rightfully considered a masterpiece?
But in the paintings of Pukirev and Perov, the humiliated and oppressed are frankly unhappy, while Yaroshenko went further; at this moment, both the man with the moustache and the shaved peasant with the beard and the intellectual who is shy of his arresting hairstyle are smiling and laughing. They are happy for the boy who enjoys feeding the pigeons.
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Что было не так с картиной Архипа Куинджи "Лунная ночь на Днепре" и почему художника можно назвать большим чудаком и идеалистом?
Подобный удар надломил его, он стал жаловаться на боли в сердце, его железное здоровье, несгибаемая воля и вера в людей надломились.
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Who was the bride in Pukirev’s painting “Unequal Marriage” and what was her fate? Why did the artist paint 3 brides?
At first, Pukirev’s fate turned out to be the best - the peasant son, thanks to his drawing abilities, entered the Academy of Arts at the age of 16. He did not have to, like Vasily Tropinin, who was a serf by birth, already in the status of a fairly famous artist, serve at the table of his masters.
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Why was Kramskoi's painting “The Stranger” considered obscene by the moral standards of the 19th century? Who was the stranger really?
It is possible to see in this view a challenge to the whole sanctimonious “decent” society of the nineteenth century, in which a woman was given a completely insignificant role, and she must fully comply with all the strict, and not always feasible for a young, life-loving girl, requirements.
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​Три художника-импрессиониста, которых следует знать всем уважающим себя любителям искусства
«Новый мир родился, когда импрессионисты нарисовали его» и с этими словами сложно не согласиться.
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Why Vasily Vereshchagin three times participated in military campaigns, but in his paintings in every way condemned them?
"I see they broke through the wall, so they will attack, but for some reason they don't go forward, so we need to counterattack, and this is a great opportunity to prove ourselves. But they'll probably kill us, but we'll be lucky."
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