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Managed to stop the war, traded his forgeries and other facts from the life of Rubens, revealing the personality of the artist in a new way

Managed to stop the war, traded his forgeries and other facts from the life of Rubens, revealing the personality of the artist in a new way

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Peter Paul Rubens wrote many wonderful paintings, but especially famous in the mass consciousness of his portraits of ladies in the body, who clearly did not consider dieting for themselves vital and were guided by the principle - a good man should be a lot. But the personality of the artist is no less interesting than his paintings. About unusual facts from the life of Rubens we want to tell in this article.


Peter Paul Rubens was a very gifted child, and by the age of 14 he already knew five languages: Latin, Greek, Flemish, German and French. His parents arranged it in the page to the Countess de Lalenga, but this position Rubens seemed unbearably boring. But to him came to the realization that he wants and is able to engage in painting, but the opportunity to see any paintings was virtually nonexistent. Because of the Reformation in the churches removed all the icons and erased frescoes, and to the aristocratic collections of paintings access was practically closed - will not be a countess for the sake of some page to ask the owners to show him paintings and give the opportunity to copy them. Therefore, Rubens sketches illustrations from the only available to him Bible.

Deposition from the Cross. The central part of the triptych

Rubens studied for a very long time - a whole ten years, changed several teachers, was in Italy, where he copied the artworks of the old masters and in general, all that he saw. It was not until he was 30 that he finally created his truly worthwhile paintings.

Venus, Cupid, Bacchus and Ceres

Rubens organized his own production of paintings and actively involved students and hired artists in such artwork. Usually he generally made a sketch, then students wrote the background, various small details, drew clothes and animals. Faces Rubens always completed independently, as well as introduced into the finished artwork small touches and edits, ennobling the picture, giving it the appearance of a finished masterpiece of the master.

The Abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus

Customers knew about this feature of the creation of his paintings, which gave Rubensu the opportunity to bargain hard, good he was an excellent businessman and never missed his advantage. “Want a picture, painted by me personally without the involvement of students - please pay extra and a lot. Or you can wait a few months, while my capable students will create a picture of my sketch - it will be cheaper, and the size we will choose the most suitable, so that it looks best on the wall of your wonderful home. At the end, I will go over it with a brush and no one will ever be able to tell the difference between it and one painted only by me, without the involvement of my students.

The Three Graces

Rubens feared van Dyck - just realized that this insolent and self-confident young man, going to his students, no less talented than himself, and can be a serious competition. That's why he strongly advised him to go to Italy, formally to study the work of the old masters, but in reality to send away a dangerous rival for the wallets of customers.

The fall of the rebel angels

Rubens managed to stop the war. Perhaps the main business of his life, he made a successful negotiation to establish peace between England and Spain during the 30-year war. Rubens, although he was the most ungenerous among their participants, deservedly enjoyed considerable trust and authority.

Allegory of war and peace

English King Karl I was very fond of long conversations with the artist, and therefore tried to prolong communication with him as long as possible. In the end, after 4 years of negotiations, Rubens finally managed to convince England to refuse to support the United Provinces, which allowed Flanders to unite with them. A long and pointless feud was over and thousands of lives were saved. Indeed, Rubens had much to be proud of in this life.

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