For the Impressionists, the first priority was to capture on canvas the initial impression of what they saw, which was of the greatest value
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"The career of the courtesan" and the nocturnal escapades of aristocrats. English artist who invented critical realism
And he decided to open his fellow citizens' eyes to everything that was going on around him. Hogarth felt it was his duty to bring her story to everyone. He was very expressive in showing the relationships between people, their passions and vices
Everyday life of the “right guys”. Gopniks in paintings by contemporary artists.
It is difficult to imagine that a monument to Gopnik would ever be erected. But you shouldn’t think that gopniks can only drink beer and sit on the courts.
Still lifes with potatoes instead of nudes. A special look at Robert Falk's painting.
He somehow always managed to write not “as it should”, and based on his understanding of painting. And in 1928, Falk received permission to go to Paris. And after the Second World War, Falk was subjected to disgrace, his paintings were no longer bought.
He switched from cityscapes to paintings of nude bathers. Check out these incredible Impressionist paintings by Frederic Gassaman!
He began working as an accountant, but Gassam quickly grew tired of the boring accounting. His paintings were often harshly criticized as being completely incomprehensible. There was also a period of excessive passion for alcohol, but at some point he decided to give it up completely.
The immodest illustrations of pin-up master Gil Elvgren that still excite all men today
During his studies he got married, and when he received a degree in architecture he moved to Chicago with his wife. Elvgren became a famous artist, and he had many lucrative commissions, drawing advertisements for large companies and collaborating with magazines.
Memorable "anti-Stalinist" paintings by Peter Belov, which will leave no one indifferent.
People stood in queues to see a different view of Stalin's times. Camps grind up human bodies and souls, individuals with their aspirations and dreams become mere cogs in a soulless state machine.
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