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What is the hidden meaning of Dalí's famous painting "The Permanence of Memory" that fascinates all art historians and painting lovers?

What is the hidden meaning of Dalí's famous painting "The Permanence of Memory" that fascinates all art historians and painting lovers?

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Salvador Dali became famous for many wonderful paintings in the style of surrealism, one of the most famous and significant of which we will talk about in this article.

Constancy of Memory

The painting "The Constancy of Memory" is a clear evidence of the artist's extraordinary talent, painted in spite of circumstances rather than thanks to them. It is quite small, (24 by 33 cm), but it has gained cult status and is considered a classic of surrealism, which for many years admired by all fans of Dali's work. And the story of its creation clearly demonstrates Dalí's inordinate capacity for work and his ingenious ingenuity in painting.


One day after a hearty lunch on a hot summer day, when his wife Gala decided to go to the movies with her acquaintances, Dali stayed home, citing ill health, but did not go to bed, as most normal people would have done in his place, and started artwork. He decided to finish a landscape depicting a deserted beach and mountains in the far background, and he happened to see a piece of cheese on a plate that had melted in the hot sun. And for some reason that Dali alone knows, the artist decided to depict the current clock, and in just a few hours the painting was ready. And what a painting.

Meditative rose

Gala, who returned from a trip to the movies, unabashedly declared that anyone who saw her, will never forget. And here she was not too wrong. To the work of Dali can be treated differently, although most artists and art historians sincerely admire him, but any landscape in the style of realism, unless it is not quite exceptional, probably soon forgotten and dissolve in memory among dozens of similar paintings. This is not the case with Dali's artwork - indeed, a real permanence of memory.

Atomic Leda

This painting ended up in the permanent exhibition of the New York Museum of Modern Art and attracted many visitors. It was repeatedly used in popular culture, and Dalí himself 23 years later, in 1954, would write the painting "Disintegration of the permanence of memory".

The disintegration of the permanence of memory

And what has the right - the original idea is his, and the artist is free to play it as many times as he sees fit. However, Dali was always a creator and innovator, not just a draftsman, so he did not abuse plagiarism.

But why did it become so popular in the first place? Perhaps it's because of a very successful color scheme - orange and blue shades, according to scientists are the most expressive and pleasant to perceive. Although, most likely, it is the mysteriousness and unusual nature of the image of the current clock, which has an inexplicable appeal and makes art historians and just lovers of painting to look for various hidden meanings. However, this is characteristic of many of Dali's artworks, there is nothing ordinary and similar to other paintings, and in general to our everyday life.


It is believed that the current clock is an artistic embodiment of Einstein's theory of relativity. But apart from the current clock, there is also a completely normal one, though it is crawling with ants, which the artist himself considered a symbol of death. So this is surely a hint at the frailty of an ordinary man's existence, and the inevitable outcome of his life. But Dali contrasts it with the sea, which he considered a symbol of immortality, and the egg - a symbol of the birth of new life and the universal cycle of nature.

A giraffe on fire

So "The Permanence of Memory" is a philosophical parable embodied on canvas about the inevitability of death and the frailty of human existence, and even the latest discoveries in the field of physics can not change anything in the existing order of things.

Indeed, Dali sacrificed his afternoon siesta for a reason.

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