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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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Two girls and a guy. John Diaz's funny and slightly explicit comics about the lives of hipsters and gamers.
Diaz's main audience is older people who have a critical and sensible outlook on life, but who are not yet completely disillusioned with it. Diaz perfectly manages to ironize the irrepressible desire of some girls to show themselves in the most favorable light in photos on social networks.
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Obscene drawings to the masses. What was it like before?
The churchmen themselves were happy to order nudes for themselves and the needs of the church, but it was one thing for pious fathers and another for ordinary people far from holiness. For sailors there were many simpler products, but the theme was usually the same - all kinds of nude goddesses and naiads, but certainly not ordinary people.
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Why did Rubens paint full women in his paintings and how did he manage to create so many of them?
Rubens could do everything himself, but took for such work twice the price. But rich and noble customers were not afraid of the price. This is how the "pulsing of blood" appeared - the most natural and vivid image.
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The devil is hidden in the details. Unusual “Easters” on frescoes and paintings of famous medieval artists
Even the great Michelangelo Buonarotti himself wasn't shy about hooligan jokes. It's all about the vantage point. Parishioners and priests in Giotto's time saw only clouds on the fresco. And what could it be - the appearance of angels or an unusual natural phenomenon like ball lightning?
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Master of obscene drawings. The short but intense life of Aubrey Beardsley.
He was not afraid of anything and did not expect to live long, as he knew from childhood that he had tuberculosis. He had a lot of stubbornness and willpower, and once he made up his mind to become an illustrator, he never left that path.
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Waiting for a nine-year-old girl to grow up. The unusual love story of Arkhip and Vera Kuindzhi.
They met in Mariupol, when Arkhip came on vacation from St. Petersburg to visit his parents and to work part-time. Gradually she also developed feelings for the handsome young man, who became a frequent visitor to their household in the summer. But there was another problem - Quindzhi was poor....
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