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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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Repin's painting “Sailing” was not painted by Repin at all. What is this painting and who is its real author?
But Repin never painted in this style - funny and somewhat ironic. This painting is rather closer to the work of Vasily Perov or Illarion Pryanishnikov. So there was confusion - people came to see the masterpieces of the famous capital master, and see...
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Gained fame as the author of immodest drawings, although he considered them “empty”. The Gallant Age and not only in Konstantin Somov's artwork.
They thought about a new art, where there would be no emasculated and hardened traditions of academism. After the revolution, Somov lay low, tried not to show himself in any way and went abroad at the first opportunity.
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What is the hidden meaning of the world's most popular print, “The Great Wave at Kanagawa”?
In fact, not all of the 5,000 prints have survived to this day. Hokusai's prints became a source of inspiration for the early Impressionists and later Modernists. Man is only part of the eternal movement of nature.
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Village women and girls in positive nude paintings by Andrei Averyanov
Averyanov was born in 1948 and was deaf-mute from childhood. He began painting in the style of primitivism in which Gubarev, Jerich and many others work.
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Japanese obscene “spring pictures” shunga - beauty, sensuality and defiant vulgarity.
Most Europeans did not become familiar with Japanese art, including shunga, until the 19th century. But by the ninth century they had evolved into an art for newlyweds. The Japanese did not advertise them, they were part of intimate life.
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Zinaida Serebryakova's most famous nude and family portraits.
However, there were Serebryakaya and nude, which now seem completely reprehensible. Willingly wrote and all sorts of ballerinas in the dressing room and before performances. Bather in the picture Serebryakova absolutely natural, there is not a drop of tension and shyness.
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