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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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The immodest illustrations of pin-up master Gil Elvgren that still excite all men today
During his studies he got married, and when he received a degree in architecture he moved to Chicago with his wife. Elvgren became a famous artist, and he had many lucrative commissions, drawing advertisements for large companies and collaborating with magazines.
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Memorable "anti-Stalinist" paintings by Peter Belov, which will leave no one indifferent.
People stood in queues to see a different view of Stalin's times. Camps grind up human bodies and souls, individuals with their aspirations and dreams become mere cogs in a soulless state machine.
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Venus Before the Mirror by Diego Velázquez. What mystery does the painting hide and who is really depicted in it?
In Spain, more than in any other European country, the Inquisition was rampant. And if Cupid were not in the picture, it could well be mistaken for an ordinary nude portrait. No wonder he had an affair with a local beauty.
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Nude goddesses in the paintings of academician Alexandre Cabanel. When beauty decides everything
Everything changed - his paintings were recognized as "glossy consumer goods". There was no shortage of customers, moreover, Napoleon Bonaparte himself liked his paintings. He taught at the Academy of Fine Arts, where he taught students the basics of academic painting.
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Exquisite nude bathers and naiads in paintings by Herbert Draper.
It was considered indecent to depict nudes associated with real life. Dripper painted them according to all the canons - hence the perfect bodies, the mannered, refined poses. To write in a new way Dripper did not want to, and could not, so had to put up with the ridicule ...
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“The Swan Princess” is a mystical painting by Mikhail Vrubel that foretold him a bad fate
Her wonderful shimmering voice, expressive, wide-set eyes, in which you can drown, flexible stance and charming smile. “Don't look into her eyes - she'll bewitch you” - so some critics said.
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