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The artist has a Wikipedia page dedicated to him, and his work has been exhibited at numerous exhibitions. His caricatures for 20 years have consistently maintained the brand of dark, but witty humor.
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Japanese artist who painted an engraving that shocked Europeans. Hokusai's "Great Wave" and its hidden meaning.
In the Land of the Rising Sun, ideally, it is customary to study throughout your life. You need to have a lot of imagination to paint 100 views of the same Mount Fuji. Perhaps the engraving is the artist’s attempt to show the frailty and vanity of people.
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Demolished the Vendôme Column in Paris and painted paintings that were not understood by critics. Disgraced artist Gustave Courbet.
“How could such a huge canvas, worthy of epic subjects, depict a miserable funeral in a small village? Where is the perspective, the composition, why are the characters just standing in a row?”
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The last rococo artist who painted frivolous and “obscene” paintings
All this decorativeness, elegance, piquancy rococo was his native element. It is thanks to his paintings that it seems to us that life then was frivolously elegant.
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Был востребован при всех режимах. Эжен Делакруа и его впечатляющие картины
Делакруа писал всегда в очень жарко натопленной художественной мастерской, а шею обматывал шарфом. Любил с глубокомысленным видом сообщать взрослым азбучные истины. Критики были недовольны - как можно было писать обнажённую девушку?!
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He bought out serfs and was the first to paint Russian peasants. The kindest artist Alexei Venetsianov and his paintings.
He spent a lot of money on the redemption of able serfs young artists, however, once he was bailed out by Emperor Alexander I himself, buying the painting "Threshing Ground".
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Critics mercilessly criticized Karl Bryullov's painting "The Last Day of Pompeii", what was wrong with it?
Benois, of course, is partly right - everything in the painting is too beautiful and theatrical. But that is the only reason it is beautiful - if Briullov had painted it as it really was, it would not be a work of art that belongs in a museum, but a frame of a documentary chronicle from the scene of the catastrophe. There are many of them now, but hardly any of them evokes feelings other than horror and general negative perception.
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5 выдающихся произведений искусства оказавшихся под запретом
Многие выдающиеся произведения искусства часто не устраивали цензоров и власти, а потому оказывались под запретом. Причины всегда находились — то с...
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The most dissolute artist in early 20th century Paris, Amedeo Modigliani and his tragic love story.
Modigliani had almost no real friends, sometimes beat his girlfriend, but still treated Jeanne with tenderness and love. By the way, Modigliani painted many portraits in the Nude style, but none of them had Jeanne.
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​Всю жизнь писал красочные портреты крестьянок, но так не на ком и не женился. Необычная судьба и удивительные картины Абрама Архипова.
Вначале своего творческого пути Архипов писал жанровые сцены из жизни крестьян своей родной деревни, потом, приехав на русский север, проникся невзрачной красотой северных пейзажей, а после 1914 года пишет русских крестьянок в яркой, красочной манере
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