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Vitaly Podvitsky's witty and poignant cartoons about our lives

Vitaly Podvitsky's witty and poignant cartoons about our lives

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The remarkable cartoonist Vitaly Podvitsky is known for his sharp and topical caricatures of our reality. He can be called a man whose address is the Soviet Union - he comes from Belarus, spent his childhood in Ukraine, and then moved to St. Petersburg. However, his studies were not too good, so he was drafted into the army at the age of 18. But there he realized for the first time that funny drawings, which are liked by the army authorities and the design of all kinds of stands allows you to thoroughly smooth out the hardships of army service and generally be on a good account.

Prison creativity - "Happy new year!"

After the army Podvitsky decided to enter the Faculty of Law, because at that time - early 90's this profession was considered very prestigious. However, it was boring for him to study at the law faculty, he drew all sorts of caricatures during lectures, and in his fourth year he started working in a St. Petersburg tabloid newspaper. The pay was low, but the work was to his liking and interesting, not like boring law. And at that time political caricature could be as sharp and vulgar as they wanted, sometimes even too much, but the young cartoonist was not embarrassed by this, he felt that he was in his place, and found something to his liking.


However, he never received any special education, he was taught, according to Podvitsky, “by life itself”. Six years later, he parted ways with that newspaper and became a freelance cartoonist. The money he had saved was enough to buy a computer in 1998, to which his acquaintances only laughed: “you, what are you going to play on it, it would be better to invest in business and some stall organized. But the computer turned out to be indispensable for creativity.

Blonde behind the wheel -"You see, at first a fly landed on my hood....."

His cartoons have become more technological, and the volume has increased many times over - Podvitsky has about ten thousand “funny drawings” of all kinds, although, of course, not all of them are really successful. The work of a cartoonist, in his opinion, is akin to the work of a miner - hundreds of drawings go into the trash until, finally, you can not find a truly successful. It's also a constant search for fresh ideas, without which any cartoon loses its meaning. You have to be on trend and up-to-date, and always meet all modern demands and requirements.

Jumping for joy -"I don't want a doll. I don't want candy. I love the planet! I'm jumping for joy"

Podvitskii and corresponds - in recent years he has switched to political cartoons. However, much more interesting are his usual “life” drawings, such as the mockery of some particularly shabby women who think they are “beautiful”. It is not far from the famous “ugly duchess” of Quentin Masseys.

The Blind Man's Choice -"Stop groping. I'm pretty, I'm pretty!"

Podvitsky also laughs at girls who are too “skillful” in driving a car and who can give their husbands or lovers a heart attack. It seems to be a rather hackneyed theme, but the artist still finds some new keys to it.

Handlebar "Kitty, I see what the handbrake is for!"

Doesn't skirt the activities of plastic surgery clinics performing facelifts and laughs at motorists who don't keep up with the technical condition of their cars.

Plastic surgery

And in Podvitsky's interpretation, all these are already classic examples of caricature, where the existing problems are reflected through ridicule and satire.

I was on my way to the technical inspection

What do you think of Podvitsky's work, and whether the artist should follow all the current trends and wishes from above so strictly - write in the comments.

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