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He is annoyed that he has to listen to pitiful lamentations, but his conscience probably torments him, and this does not allow him to leave immediately.
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Sincere Soviet muralist Alexander Deyneka and his epic paintings
Deyneka is multifaceted, versatile, sincerely admired youth, enthusiasm, energy and assertiveness, they are felt in almost every one of his paintings. He lived a good life, wrote many excellent paintings and the main thing is that he always believed in what he was doing, as it is impossible to create like this without sincerity.
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He was married to a "fallen woman" and was criticized by his friends artist-Peredvizhniks. The controversial Ivan Kramskoi and his marvelous paintings.
Already at the age of 50 Kramskoi looked like a tired, exhausted old man. He began to have serious heart problems, and in order to relieve the pain on the recommendation of the doctors of the time actively used morphine and continued to paint portraits for 5-6 hours a day.
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Что в «Чёрном квадрате» Малевича такого особенного из-за чего его признали шедевром живописи?
Работы Малевича были источником вдохновения многих современных художников, архитекторов и дизайнеров одежды. Современная культура была бы иной, не придумай Малевич свой супрематизм и в этом его главная заслуга.
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Critics mercilessly criticized Karl Bryullov's painting "The Last Day of Pompeii", what was wrong with it?
Benois, of course, is partly right - everything in the painting is too beautiful and theatrical. But that is the only reason it is beautiful - if Briullov had painted it as it really was, it would not be a work of art that belongs in a museum, but a frame of a documentary chronicle from the scene of the catastrophe. There are many of them now, but hardly any of them evokes feelings other than horror and general negative perception.
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Почему на картинах Марка Шагала люди летают? Главная трагедия в жизни художника.
Последняя любовь Марка Шагала — Валентина Бродская. Её вновь нашла Ида, которой не терпелось обустроить личную жизнь отца — прекрасно понимала, что без любви он жить не может. Валентину очень не любили многие искусствоведы, считали, что она деспотична и влияет на его творчество, рассорила со многими друзьями.
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5 выдающихся произведений искусства оказавшихся под запретом
Многие выдающиеся произведения искусства часто не устраивали цензоров и власти, а потому оказывались под запретом. Причины всегда находились — то с...
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Why did Boris Kustodiev paint such festive paintings? A simple answer that explains the true character of the artist.
Kustodiev was a very strong-willed and strong-willed man, fully devoted to creativity - otherwise he would have long ago instead of painting succumbed to despair and drunkenness. The Soviet government allocated money for the treatment of the artist, expensive surgery in Germany - but Kustodiev did not live to see it.
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The most dissolute artist in early 20th century Paris, Amedeo Modigliani and his tragic love story.
Modigliani had almost no real friends, sometimes beat his girlfriend, but still treated Jeanne with tenderness and love. By the way, Modigliani painted many portraits in the Nude style, but none of them had Jeanne.
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​Всю жизнь писал красочные портреты крестьянок, но так не на ком и не женился. Необычная судьба и удивительные картины Абрама Архипова.
Вначале своего творческого пути Архипов писал жанровые сцены из жизни крестьян своей родной деревни, потом, приехав на русский север, проникся невзрачной красотой северных пейзажей, а после 1914 года пишет русских крестьянок в яркой, красочной манере
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A gallant artist who painted "shameful pictures," whose work was first respected and then mercilessly criticized
But since 1760 the rococo style was recognized as definitively outdated, and Boucher is subjected to merciless criticism. He even contemplated moving to Russia, where Catherine II would surely have welcomed him with open arms, as she was a great admirer of his art...
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Why did Salvador Dalí live his whole life with his Russian wife Gala, who cheated on him with young lovers and was 10 years older than him?
At the age of about 90, his incomparable Gala dies. For Dali it was the loss of a lifetime, he moves to live in her castle, a gift from him, and slowly fades from longing for his eternal muse.
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William Bouguereau was an academic painter whose paintings were first admired by everyone and later considered the epitome of vulgarity
Primitive art, sweet sentimentality - these are just the most innocuous words that Bouguereau heard about his paintings. Bouguereau experienced this attitude, but he could not and did not want to paint differently. He died in the arms of his wife, who became his support and support in life in 1905.
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