Main | Art Blog | How the harsh socialist realist Geli Korzhev ridiculed Pugacheva and Raymond Pauls in his paintings, and then moved on to religious painting.
How the harsh socialist realist Geli Korzhev ridiculed Pugacheva and Raymond Pauls in his paintings, and then moved on to religious painting.

How the harsh socialist realist Geli Korzhev ridiculed Pugacheva and Raymond Pauls in his paintings, and then moved on to religious painting.

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Geli Korzhev was a true classic of socialist realism, who painted harsh pictures characterized by deep psychology and drama. In them there was not the usual for some socialist realists varnishing of reality, Korzhev preferred to depict the truth of life, the way and unsightly, although, understandably, had to take into account the requirements for painting, which were in Soviet times.

Old wounds

He wrote ordinary people who not only rejoiced and had fun, but also suffered, but at the same time sincerely admired their willingness to go to the end, incredible willpower, the desire to overcome all adversity, and not to give up their ideals.


Even the lyrical themes in Korzhev's paintings are distinguished by a certain severity, the heroes of his paintings do not look like serene happy-go-lucky people, they just live, although their life can by no means be called easy, they know how to rejoice in small things and are surely sincerely able to love, even if their love does not resemble a beautiful fairy tale from romantic movies and TV series.


But gradually Korzhev's work changed, and in the early 1980s he painted a picture that can in no way be attributed to socialist realism - it is "Blue Light". Of course, it was impossible to exhibit it at that time, so it was kept at his home, and he showed it only to trusted friends and acquaintances who could appreciate this kind of work and not bring it "to the right place".

Blue Light

Korzhev never gave explanations about what he painted on the picture - guess for yourself, but if you look closely, you can see that the pianist is sitting in a characteristic pose, leaning very low over the piano, as Raimond Pauls played. Next to him stands a pop diva in a shapeless hoodie - this is how Alla Pugacheva dressed at that time. And compositionally it all reminds of their performance during the performance of the popular song "Maestro".

But why did Korzhev dislike Pugacheva and Pauls so much? At that time Korzhev was already 55 years old, he was a man of old formation and leaven, that's why he preferred rather conservative pop music, and he probably considered Klavdia Shulzhenko or Lyudmila Zykina to be real singers, but not Pugacheva, who eupatized with her behavior and outfits. After all, the work of a real artist reflects his views and mindset, so it is not surprising that Korzhev decided to express his attitude to the 1980s pop music in the most familiar way.

Poor Yorick

At the beginning of perestroika, he began to write a series of paintings about the Turliks - terrible and absurd creatures who lived their own lives and petty concerns about how to fill their bellies. In Korzhev's opinion - these are ordinary people, so pulverized and fallen in spirit that mutated and turned into Turliki. Turlicks are a figurative reflection of the negative processes taking place in society, when the greatness of spirit, readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of an idea, and strong inner core of people, which Korzhev sincerely admired in his paintings, gave way to the "rat race" for a place under the sun.

Adam Alexeyevich and Eva Petrovna

But only few people liked such pictures at that time - Korzhev was criticized. And the series about Turliks and in general preferred not to notice - well, not satisfied with perestroika and market relations of the old communist, so what do we care about him, he would until his death to write paintings in the spirit of socialist realism and nothing to change. In the 1990s Korzhev began to paint completely marginal people - all kinds of alcoholics, the mere sight of whom caused outrage.

Deprived of paradise

But, fortunately, he found salvation and an outlet in religious painting and created a series of paintings on biblical subjects. And they Korzhev turned out wonderful, perhaps the best in his rich creative heritage. Korzhev was finally given the opportunity to paint exactly what he wanted himself, not adjusting to socialist realism or to everyday life, but turning to eternal themes, to the basic concepts of morality and ethics, good and evil for every thinking person.

The Mourning of Christ

However, from his severe style did not retreat and in religious paintings. Korzhev wrote Christ, going to death, on the cross, taken down from the cross, and mourned, but never resurrected - perhaps he simply did not believe in a miracle, but could easily believe in self-sacrifice for the sake of people.

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