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Why did Salvador Dalí live his whole life with his Russian wife Gala, who cheated on him with young lovers and was 10 years older than him?
At the age of about 90, his incomparable Gala dies. For Dali it was the loss of a lifetime, he moves to live in her castle, a gift from him, and slowly fades from longing for his eternal muse.
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William Bouguereau was an academic painter whose paintings were first admired by everyone and later considered the epitome of vulgarity
Primitive art, sweet sentimentality - these are just the most innocuous words that Bouguereau heard about his paintings. Bouguereau experienced this attitude, but he could not and did not want to paint differently. He died in the arms of his wife, who became his support and support in life in 1905.
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Spit on his own paintings. Why wouldn't there be Impressionism and modern art in general without Joseph Turner's artwork?
His artwork was revolutionary but surprisingly very much in demand, perhaps because it was understood by his contemporaries. The combination of healthy conservatism and innovative techniques of painting the elements appealed to critics and viewers alike. The sea in Turner's paintings could be calm or stormy, but inevitably exciting and beautiful.
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​Встречался с матерью и дочкой, несколько раз пытался свести счёты с жизнью. Непростой характер и удивительные картины Исаака Левитана.
В молодости Левитану пришлось пережить очень многое — голод, нищету, унижение по национальному признаку. Иногда он не ел несколько дней кряду, и у него кружилась голова, если кто-то из учеников начинал перекусывать хлебом. Про Левитана в училище ходили полуправдивые жалобные рассказы, говорили, что ему негде ночевать, и он прятался в заброшенном доме Юшковых.
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Five paintings that Tretyakov acquired for his gallery despite not liking them
"Why not remove the ranger with the whip and paint a beautiful, spiritualised girl instead of a woman with a headscarf in the foreground?" Repin aptly asked: 'and whether, in a crowd, the most beautiful and spiritualised people often come to the fore for your pleasure'. Tretyakov had nothing to say.
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Why did Pavel Tretyakov collect paintings? His main life principle that gives the answer to this question.
Well, the main reason why Tretyakov became a collector of paintings is that all his life he followed a simple principle: "to profit in order that what is gained from society should also be returned to society". How many good things would be if everyone, including our oligarchs, followed this principle. It is a pity that Tretyakov was only a rare exception.
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