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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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Счастливчик Пьер Боннар, его любимая жена и котики.
Боннара небезосновательно называют одним из лучших колористов XX века, используя сложное и зачастую необычное сочетание цветов, мастерски накладывая солнечные блики и рисуя предзакатные тени, он придаёт своим картинам всевозможные нюансы восприятия. Нечто похожее было у Куинджи, когда он нарисовал свою знаменитую «Лунную ночь на Днепре».
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Рисовал уютную старость, до которой не думал дожить. Английский примитивист Гари Бант и его уютные картины.
путь к созданию этих картин у художника был непростым, ему пришлось пережить немало испытаний и тяжёлую болезнь, а искусство стало спасительной соломинкой
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5 of Andy Warhol's most famous and popular portraits that brought him worldwide fame
Andy Warhol was especially famous for his graphic works and portraits, and he preferred to create portraits of actors of the first magnitude
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Manet, Monet - what's the difference?
Confusion with the surnames Manet - Monet is the most obvious reason to talk about two dissimilar artists who found themselves at the same time, in the same city, at the same big exhibition, quarreled, and then became close friends. Moreover, the story of their acquaintance began with confusion.
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10 unforgettable sculptures you can't take your eyes off of
You can find amazing sculptures all over the world and even on the internet. Their creators have simply taken and destroyed all the traditions that reigned in the world of fine art.
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The 10 best beds in the history of art
The bed is the main cradle of our fears, loneliness and eroticism. Many artists, from Rembrandt to Rauschenberg, have used the theme of the bed in their artwork. The bed in art has always been a symbol of the cradle where our fears, sensuality and loneliness are born. Here are ten of the most notable ones, according to The Guardian.
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