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​Душевные картины художника Ладо Тевдорадзе, вызывающие улыбку и хорошее настроение
«Чистый примитивизм — это Пиросмани, а мы учёные, мы академию окончили, но хотелось бы мне писать так же мощно, как он» — говорит художник.
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The extravagant artwork and unusual personal life of feminist and artist Leonor Fini
The style and taste of the artist was formed under the influence of Flemish and German painting of the XV century, she was inspired by Italian Mannerism. Lifetime retrospectives of Leonore's artwork appeared in Japan, Belgium, Paris and Italian cities. But in the mid-1990s, after the artist's death, her work was forgotten.
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Not only in money, but also in kind. How did customers pay for paintings by famous artists?
Then he met the owner of the café. She would gladly take his paintings and pay him with food or sometimes send him flowers - not to express admiration, but simply so that the artist could admire their colorful beauty.
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Soviet beauties in pin-up style by artist Natalia Ershova.
Such pictures were the dream of truckers and bachelors back in the 1920s. The publishers of Brown & Bigelow calendars had a million-dollar idea - to pin up pictures of girls (to pin up or pin a poster to the wall).
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A connoisseur of sensual pleasures and liked men until the age of 76. The most glamorous artist Tamara Lempicki.
A new wave of popularity of Tamara's work came in the sixties. First followed a successful Paris exhibition, then a Luxembourg exhibition. Clients began eagerly ordering replicas of paintings, but the eye and hand were no longer so accurate.
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The artist on whose drawings all of America grew up. Norman Rockwell's fun and kind artworks.
Norman Rockwell drew ordinary people of all ages with sympathy, warmth, and a good deal of good humor. And this manner found the widest understanding among ordinary Americans. Not everyone was close and understandable avant-garde art Pollock or paintings by Francis Bacon ...
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​Russian artist whose paintings were seized at exhibitions due to "excessive licentiousness." Natalia Goncharova.
Larionov and Goncharova made a new nest in Paris. Even today there is a café called "Palitra" in the house where the couple loved to dine. A huge rarity among creative people, but from the moment Natalia met her soulmate and chosen one, she never parted with him again.
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A moment of positivity. Funny and touching drawings by artist Rudi Hurtzlmeier
There are whole series of his drawings devoted to different animals, especially bears, funny cats and cats or touching birds in boots. Here he laughs too, but not in an evil way, but in a kind way
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​Любил писать обнажённую натуру. Доминик Энгр и его потрясающие картины в стиле неоклассицизма
Давид способствовал выдвижению картин Энгра на Большую Римскую премию — главный французский конкурс для молодых художников, призом которого являлось оплачиваемая четырёхлетняя поездка в Рим.
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Why is “The Oath of Horace”, a prophetic painting by Jacques-Louis David, especially close to the inhabitants of Russia?
By the way, in the painting David very accurately captured the psychology of the ancient Romans, not all of them, of course, but those who cared about the concept of honor and military duty. Men must fight and there is nothing higher than that, even their own lives are less important. Women have only to accept this.
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How did a Russian village girl become a famous artist in France? Amazing works by Maria Bashkirtsev
Bashkirtseva developed a unique style based on the techniques of Renaissance masters and realists, although she did not have the time to study these paintings long and carefully and gradually develop her artistic skills - she lived only twenty-five years.
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He had a monkey and threw his beloved out of the house, constantly changing styles and taking the work of other artists. The controversial Pablo Picasso.
However, all these changes of styles, different periods of creativity - from blue, pink, African, cubism to neoclassicism and surrealism, the very lifestyle of the artist, fabulous prices for his artwork, which many simply did not perceive: “my five-year-old daughter draws better”, caused irritation and dissatisfaction.
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