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Actual and truthful satirical illustrations by Marco Melgratti, reflecting many phenomena of our lives.

Actual and truthful satirical illustrations by Marco Melgratti, reflecting many phenomena of our lives.

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Marco Melgratti is an Italian illustrator who draws clever and relevant social cartoons that satirically mock many aspects of our lives. He is inspired by the informational background that surrounds any sane modern person and processes any phenomena that have affected him into his memorable cartoons. Therefore, he does not fixate on one topic, but reflects the reality around us in all its diversity.

The Digital Piper

For example, the problems of too rapid development of information technologies and the withdrawal of many people who are overly susceptible to them into virtual life, which, although it seems more interesting than real life, cannot be a full-fledged substitute.

I'm telling the truth

Ironic over Western politicians who tell outright lies, reminiscent of the famous fairy tale character Pinocchio. And also over the unwillingness of some people to face the truth, as the fictional virtual reality is much more pleasant, even if such an approach can lead to very depressing consequences.

Beautiful visions

Marco has loved drawing since childhood, and so his parents put the able-bodied boy in art school. As it seems, not in vain - he became a professional illustrator and says about his choice of profession that he has made a perfect deal: now he can live doing what he likes most of all. “Illustration is my specialty, I feel like an accomplished artist here, and unlike painting, it's easier to get recognized there, because it's enough to have a good idea, which are often just in the air, you just need to be able to catch them.”

The femme fatale

He works a lot with various publications that require an illustration on a particular subject. “Sometimes I'm not too interested in it, but I have to get into it so that the reader doesn't get the impression that some amateur illustrated it.” But for himself and for posts on social networks, Marco draws already on the topics he is most interested in: current problems of modern society, history and social issues.


“It's important to be aware, and also to read and watch a lot of movies: books and movies often have great ideas hidden in them, the main thing is to be able to see and illustrate them. When I work for myself, I usually draw whatever comes into my head, sketch by sketch. At some point, something worthy of attention appears among the piles of spoiled paper, and the rest goes into the trash.

Selfies on a tiger

Marco often travels and moves from place to place: according to him, the change of scenery is an important source of inspiration, an opportunity to look at many things from a different perspective. Marco actively uses modern graphic technologies, and his tablet is indispensable for his artwork.


However, without paper and pencil he does not see his creativity. “A drawing created only digitally is dead, the artist's hand is also important. Sometimes I paint in oil, but, unfortunately, there is not enough time for all this. This is the age of fast speeds. Painting one picture for years, as the great artists of the past did, will no longer work, and it may not be noticed by anyone, because it has already lost its relevance. The legacy of the past is too much for artists now: to paint in the classical style on eternal themes means repeating hundreds of times what has already been repeated: this is not the way I want to go.

Surreal Morning

Although Marco graduated from the Academy of Painting and genuinely admires the artwork of Velázquez, Giorgione and Bellini, he paints in a contemporary style and format more suited to social media and various publications than thorough oil paintings. “Social media is a window to the world, I may not have found anything new there in terms of technique and style for my illustrations - a good art education is better for that - but they serve as an inexhaustible source of ideas and themes for my illustrations.”

And what do you think of Marco Melgratti's artwork - drop us a line in the comments.

Recommendations for reading

About how it was then and how it is now, funny cartoons that make you think and laugh.

Proven, first-rate old-school humor from the famous cartoonist Valentin Druzhinin.

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