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Humor for the ages. A lesson to all cartoonists from the master of his craft, Herluf Bidstrup.

Humor for the ages. A lesson to all cartoonists from the master of his craft, Herluf Bidstrup.

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Herluf Bidstrup is one of the world's most famous cartoonists, who has become a role model for many other authors. And there is much to emulate - his style is laconic, funny and witty, reminiscent of a black-and-white comic book that tells a funny story in a series of sequential drawings. And as true masterpieces, many of Bidstrup's drawings are not outdated today, and seem quite relevant, because he often preferred to make jokes on “eternal themes”, without trading on the actual momentary.


However, Bidstrup's political and social caricatures are numerous, and sometimes they were so sharp that the author was attacked in various ways. However, he was accepted in the USSR, considered an advanced artist, reflecting the vices and shortcomings of the “decaying West” and willingly printed caricatures in Soviet magazines.

Living space

Herluf Bidstrup was born in 1912. His father worked as an ordinary painter, but in his spare time from artwork, which was not much, he painted. However, due to the lack of technique and time, he tried to paint more simply, without aspiring to serious academic oil painting.

Auntie's heir

Herluf started drawing very early, according to the artist's confession “as soon as he could hold a pencil in his hand” and devoted all his free time to this activity. “I drew on everything, wherever I could, and even on what you can not”. His father, seeing such interest and certain successes, bought his son pencils and paper, supported his endeavors, and sometimes criticized, if the drawing came out unsuccessful. “Already at the age of 11 I understood the full impact of caricature on people's outlook and emotions, and decided to connect my life with this complex, but so important genre”.


Bidstrup was able to spot the distinctive features of his characters or the person he wanted to draw a caricature of and masterfully reflected them in the drawing. It was recognizable and funny, although sometimes offensive. In the future he developed this quality to the extreme: his political caricatures of fascists became a kind of branding, they ridiculed all the negative phenomena of his complex and contradictory time, in which there was often more bad than good.

Peace and order

This is why Bidstrup had plenty of artwork, and his caricatures were always in demand. He was honest with himself and drew caricatures as objectively as possible, albeit with a good dose of irony, even if it causedextreme discontent among his enemies, of which the artist had many. But this is the fate of any serious political caricaturist - it is impossible to please everyone, and there is no need to do so, otherwise it is no longer a caricature, but ordinary propaganda.


But besides political caricatures, Bidstrup had many ordinary ones, which looked quite different in style and content. They were characterized by a softer, rounded drawing, Bidstrup there simply tells in a series of drawings some funny story, sometimes adding a little absurdity or hyperbole, and in the conclusion makes some disappointing and instructive conclusion, with which it is difficult to argue.

Merry Christmas

His drawings are also characterized by the absence of inscriptions, and Bidstrup had enough skill and imagination to do without them. This is why his artworks can be understood without translation by people of all countries and nationalities, they are absolutely universal and often very relevant today.

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