Main | Art Blog | A fool wouldn't understand. Wiley Miller's clever and absurd caricatures that allow us to laugh at many phenomena of our lives.
A fool wouldn't understand. Wiley Miller's clever and absurd caricatures that allow us to laugh at many phenomena of our lives.

A fool wouldn't understand. Wiley Miller's clever and absurd caricatures that allow us to laugh at many phenomena of our lives.

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Caricaturist Wiley Miller has been drawing wonderful and witty comics for many years, which are printed with great pleasure by all the world's leading newspapers. Miller prefers not to deal with immediate situations or some small local events. His caricatures are about universal values and concepts, so it are in demand and relevant at any time and in any country, which makes them similar to real works of art, despite the fact that the main thing there is not the technique, but the meaning of the drawing and an interesting idea.

A hero of our time

Miller makes fun of everything, including religion, but he does it delicately so as not to hurt the feelings of believers. In this sense, his series of comics about the caveman and biblical heroes is noteworthy, in which he mocks various modern concepts, such as marketing, as applied to these characters. Indeed, through interested interpretation, one can very thoroughly distort and embellish the real state of affairs.

For the sake of marketing

Miller has been drawing since childhood, and his first professional caricatures were published in 1992 and were immediately favorably received by critics, readers and, most importantly, editors. That is why Miller had no problems with orders, although he admitted that it was easier to work in the past - there was a greater diversity of opinions, there was no need to strictly conform to certain “correct” attitudes, departure from which could be disastrous for the author himself.

Democracy and natural selection

This gave more room for self-expression, which is vital for any professional cartoonist. Of course, there is now the internet and social media, but Miller prefers to work the old-fashioned way - with serious publishers.

A victim of social networking

He also likes to reflect our lives from the point of view of the absurd, because in this way it is possible to achieve a comic effect in seemingly unobvious situations, where humor is not even a whiff of humor. His caricatures are aimed at people of all ages and educational backgrounds, they are relatively simple but not too obvious. Miller, like every good cartoonist, constructs in them a comic situation that is impossible in real life, but at the same time it reflects problems and phenomena that are understandable and familiar to us.

Polar Olympics

But sometimes he just laughs, as in his famous caricatures, “you're not going to go to artwork dressed like that” and “the seriousness of the situation.”

The gravity of the situation

In his most famous collection of caricatures, designed as a comic book, he called “Non sequitur”, which translates as “logical error”. Indeed, looking at the heroes of this comic, you realize that somewhere with logic is clearly not in order, but not in the author himself, rather in those who take his drawings literally, and therefore criticize them and Miller himself. But he treats such attacks philosophically, quite in the spirit of a line from Pushkin's famous poem: “accept praise and slander indifferently and do not challenge a fool.

The Eighth Day of Creation

By the way Miller doesn't consider himself a cartoonist at all, rather a satirist trying to reach an audience in the concise and sought after form of a satirical comic strip.

Mrs. Claus' annual joke

True, in demand only among people who think, who like humor subtle and a little intellectual, and not vulgar and primitive and one-sided, which is a lot in various thematic sites and social networks. But this is the difference between a real author, as Wiley Miller is, and an ordinary amateur freelancer.

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