The story of Medea has stood the test of time and has served as the basis for many works of art throughout the ages.
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He was the father of 40 children, loved many sitters and painted pictures that evoke contradictory feelings. Lucian Freud and his work.
He kept his personal life carefully hidden from everyone, although it was very turbulent. He was not very careful about his health, did not deny himself anything, but managed to live 88 years.
He invented his own style of painting and was the first master of body art in Russia. Avant-garde painter Mikhail Larionov and his unusual personal life.
Larionov all his free time studied the paintings of artists, visited museums and exhibitions. In painting and required something new, he managed to achieve a certain success and be in demand.
They wrote denunciations or ironized Soviet reality in their paintings. How did the revolution of 1917 change the lives of artists?
“What are these flying red horses, why not write in a positive way ordinary Soviet reality?” - they questioned. The 1917 Revolution changed the lives of many people before and after the...
Прожил 99 лет, любил всех натурщиц и умер от чумы. Великий колорист Тициан и его чудесные картины.
Его картины навечно вошли в мировой фонд искусства. Тициан побежал туда и буквально из огня успел вынести несколько картин. Тициан проживёт очень долго, будет писать картины, любить женщин, а заодно получит славу великого колориста.
Подделывал ассигнации, сидел в тюрьме, сотрудничал с нацистами и выступал голым перед публикой. Необычная жизнь художника Ивана Мясоедова.
Григорий Мясоедов был очень плохим отцом. Он почему-то сразу решил, что его единственный сын Иван не его родной ребёнок. Мясоедов-младший начал выступать в цирках и кабаре. Но не в самый лучший день его схватили красные и приговорили к расстрелу.
Japanese artist who painted an engraving that shocked Europeans. Hokusai's "Great Wave" and its hidden meaning.
In the Land of the Rising Sun, ideally, it is customary to study throughout your life. You need to have a lot of imagination to paint 100 views of the same Mount Fuji. Perhaps the engraving is the artist’s attempt to show the frailty and vanity of people.
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