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Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of the famous painting “Unequal Marriage” by Vasily Pukiryov. And let the girl married for a great and pure love.....
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Был востребован при всех режимах. Эжен Делакруа и его впечатляющие картины
Делакруа писал всегда в очень жарко натопленной художественной мастерской, а шею обматывал шарфом. Любил с глубокомысленным видом сообщать взрослым азбучные истины. Критики были недовольны - как можно было писать обнажённую девушку?!
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Avenged her rapist in her paintings. The tragic fate of the Baroque era's most talented artist and her impressive artwork.
Few women at the time were seriously pursuing painting, science or art. They encapsulate the no-nonsense drama that the artist emphasizes. Her father taught her how to paint light and shade correctly. A quality characteristic only of really strong personalities.
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He bought out serfs and was the first to paint Russian peasants. The kindest artist Alexei Venetsianov and his paintings.
He spent a lot of money on the redemption of able serfs young artists, however, once he was bailed out by Emperor Alexander I himself, buying the painting "Threshing Ground".
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7 distinctive features of the paintings of the Peredvizhniki. How to identify their paintings accurately?
For artists it was more important to show an intelligent and thinking man, deeply concerned about what is happening in Russia, staying in thought about the search for the meaning of life and the special path of our people and here excessive colorfulness would only harm the whole image.
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Love is cruel. Love stories of famous artists, which they themselves would prefer not to recall
Artists, as representatives of the creative intelligentsia are often people who are finely sensitive and emotional - with a cold heart would not have been able to write many of their masterpieces, and therefore often fell into various love stories, often quite unpleasant for themselves.
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Sincere Soviet muralist Alexander Deyneka and his epic paintings
Deyneka is multifaceted, versatile, sincerely admired youth, enthusiasm, energy and assertiveness, they are felt in almost every one of his paintings. He lived a good life, wrote many excellent paintings and the main thing is that he always believed in what he was doing, as it is impossible to create like this without sincerity.
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