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He is annoyed that he has to listen to pitiful lamentations, but his conscience probably torments him, and this does not allow him to leave immediately.
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Soul-crushing. A memorable painting by Henry O'Neill, showing what excessive social decorum can lead to
But having a child with them means ruining your reputation and losing your job. So the only way out is to become a “love priestess.”
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The kind of angels you've never seen before. Michael Parkes' vicious and beguiling magical realism.
His artwork is eagerly bought by collectors, paying decent money for them, mentioned in the world's bestsellers
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The Nun's Immodest Dream and other uncommon paintings by Karl Bryullov.
An old nun already enters the cell, who is sure to immediately wake up the young nun “tempted by a demon” and bring her back to the monastery reality.
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He was not expecting his wife's arrival and was caught by surprise. Harsh paintings by Serafima Ryangina, showing the truth of life.
The moment for the arrival chose for the man extremely unfortunate, he was caught unawares between two fires.
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Why are merchants and merchants in Kustodiev's paintings so overweight? About the artist's amazing artworks painted against all odds.
It was a lot to take in. There were no basic necessities: food and firewood. His wife Yulia Kustodieva went to work as a day laborer sawing wood, which she received as payment instead of money.
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Crossed the line. Why was a painting by the artist Philjames recently removed from an exhibit even in liberal Australia?
Philjames, though he went to Sunday school as a child, is an atheist. However, it is good for him that he exhibited such a painting in Sydney
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From forbidden frivolous illustrations to ceremonial portraits of Alexander II. Mihai Zichy's diverse oeuvre
Zichy willingly befriended Russian artists, was a guest at the famous “Thursdays” Kramskoi of Kramskoi. This allowed him to experience real, not court life.
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In front of us is a portrait of a true seeking artist - Olga Batura.
The artist brings his light, opens his soul to the viewer, helps us understand how to live on.
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Oil in its purest form as an artist's main tool - MONK
Oilism is a movement in the visual arts in which artists use pure petroleum or its impurities as the base material
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"I want to paint as if I could photograph nightmares." Zdzisław Beksiński's scary and inexplicably appealing paintings
The real success came to Beksiński in the 1980s. But in his personal life he had to endure a lot of tragedies. His guardian's 20-year-old son Robert stabbed the artist 17 times for some reason.
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"How could you disgrace our entire society of Itinerant artists?". Pimonenko's humorous painting, which became a cause of great trouble for the artist.
Fortunately, justice prevailed: Pimonenko won the case, and Shustov had to withdraw all bottles with incorrect labels from sale.
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"Polyphemus' Catch." A memorable painting by Max Pitschmann in which the artist gave free rein to his imagination.
The painting was considered lost, only reproductions of it have survived. But in 2020, it was unexpectedly put up for auction.
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