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Black humor with unexpected endings from French artist Remy Lascaux.

Black humor with unexpected endings from French artist Remy Lascaux.

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Black humor - a genre specific enough, requiring from the cartoonist skill, sense of proportion and tact, otherwise all his work will cause more rejection rather than any positive emotions. It is important not to overdo it with some overly picturesque details, and at the same time do not forget about the humor itself, which should not be too naturalistic. The task becomes more difficult if the artist draws cartoons without saving inscriptions and tries to tell the story through concise and witty pictures.

But French artist Rémi Lascault manages to do it all with flying colors. Usually his comics consist of 4 pictures, and the beginning seems “white and fluffy”, but the subsequent pictures dispel this illusion. The artist gives free rein to his imagination and a somewhat cynical view of death.

However, the situations depicted in them are so absurd and ridiculous that they provoke a chuckle. Laughter here is the human reaction of salvation: we are amused because we realize that this cannot be the case.

The themes of his works are very diverse: black humor related to various animals, personal relationships, parodies of superhero movies and comics, and, of course, pure absurdity, laced with a good share of blackness.

Remy Lasko works as an art director, and for himself he takes a break in such a lashing and cynical genre as black humor. According to the artist, this is a great opportunity to create as he likes, rather than trying to conform to strict rules and restrictions imposed from above.

Lasko has loved drawing since childhood, but then he had to start working. The work, according to the artist, took up all his free time, so it was not enough to create. But after a few years of sitting in the office, he felt that he was becoming desperately bored in life, and so he began to draw his comics in his lunch break, which best suited his mindset at the time. He posted some of them on social media. The positive reactions to them gave him the strength and desire to keep creating in the same spirit.

His main activity is advertising, and Lasko says he has learned a lot from it. France has a slightly different approach to advertising than we do. Very appreciated creativity and unconventional humor, not by chance at advertising festivals, videos and posters made in this way, take first place. The work taught him to tell the story as quickly and concisely as possible, in those four pictures without words, and to find unexpected endings and denouements, which are abundant in his comics.

Lasko finds sources of inspiration in ordinary life: sometimes an overheard conversation, a movie, a comic book, a TV show, a detail or an object gives an idea that begs to be realized in comics. Finding that idea is the hardest part of the job, but, according to Lasko, it's a real pleasure when it turns out to work and the comics turn out really well.

He doesn't think too much about any depth or social messages, but he doesn't consider his comics stupid. “There is always some sense in them, all the actions of the characters are subject to some kind of logic, even if cynical and absurd. And most importantly, I always try to come up with an unexpected ending, which defines the idea and humorous basis of the comic”.

And looking at his comics, you can see that many of them are really original and not banal, so even black humor, with all its peculiarity and cynicism can be funny. After all, Lasko's comics can surprise and make you laugh, and at the same time teach you to treat some of life's troubles in a philosophical way, through the prism of irony, and this is now important for everyone.

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