Main | Competitions | The light of painting


The light of painting

The light of painting

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Exhibition and sale "The light of painting" (participation in Person and Online) - free theme.

The page of the catalog of works of the participants of the exhibition

Location: Russia, Moscow, Varshavskoe sh. 97, Retail Park shopping center, Yuzhnaya metro station.
Venue: ArtFutureGallery gallery of contemporary art
Exhibition dates: April 30 - May 30, 2024.

Artists, sculptors, designers, photographers, handmade masters are invited to participate.

Submission Deadline: until April 26, 2024.

► How to participate
  1. Log in or register to participate.
  2. Upload your listing, correctly formatting the content in your personal profile.*
  3. Submit your artworks to the competition (a window with your listing will appear).**
  4. E-certificate for each participant ****
  5. Participants of competitions will get discounts on participation in exhibitions and fairs.
  6. Artworks of competition will be posted in social media
  7. Life-long Links - A lifelong link of the exhibition will remain active to boost selected artists online visibility and SEO.
* - Details

* - To activate your listing, you need to activate your account Basic or Premium
** - if you participate with art curator, please tell the artworks number in your profile, the artwork will be added to the catalog of participants
**** - If your artwork violates the rules of the site or does not correspond to the competition, the artwork will be removed from the catalog of participants without explanation. Repeated violations will result in the user being blocked.

Event date: Apr 30, 2024 - May 30, 2024 (inclusive)
Submission Deadline:
d :
h :
m :
"Phloxes with apple" Natalia Khakova #13837
Oil, 30 х 40 х 1 см
“Squirrel” Oksana Shamina #15276
9,000 ₽
Oil, 30 х 30 х 1 см
“Pointe shoes” Oksana Shamina #15269
5,500 ₽
Oil, mixed media, 30 х 30 х 1 см
Inside the wave #21148
6,500 ₽
Oil, 40 х 60 см
> Tatyana Orlova
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