Main | Competitions | Reflections of color


Reflections of color

Reflections of color

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International contest-exhibition of contemporary art "Reflections of color" - artworks in different styles, techniques and directions are allowed.

► Theme of the "Reflections of color" contest

Concept: As humans, we see the narrowest range of wavelengths of the vast electromagnetic spectrum that lies in front of our eyes. But even that evokes indescribable feelings in us. Indescribable in words, perhaps, yet depicted in those very wavelengths we are privileged enough to see. Any subject matter holding a multitude of colors is acceptable for this contest. Artists are free to apply their own interpretation in representing the overall theme. Representational and abstract ideas based broadly on this theme, in any media, will be considered.

OPEN CALL: Deadline for submission August 15,2024

► How to apply
  1. Log in or register to participate.
  2. Upload your listing, correctly formatting the content in your personal profile.*
  3. Submit your artworks to the competition (a window with your listing will appear).**
  4. Vote*** for the participants’ artworks (get rating points; voting opens 7 days before the end of the competition)
  5. E-certificate for each participant ****
  6. Participants of competitions will get discounts on participation in exhibitions and fairs.
  7. Artworks of competition will be posted in social media
  8. Life-long Links - A lifelong link of the exhibition will remain active to boost selected artists online visibility and SEO.

Free participation. Maximum 5 artworks from one artist

The winners will be chosen by Jury! Audience Award by quantity and sum of votes.

* - Details

* - You need to have account on web site and upload your artworks
** - if you participate with art curator, please tell the artworks number in your profile, the artwork will be added to the catalog of participants
*** - voting opens 7 days before the end of the competition.
**** - If your artwork violates the rules of the site or does not correspond to the competition, the artwork will be removed from the catalog of participants without explanation. Repeated violations will result in the user being blocked.

Recruitment of participants up to: Aug 15, 2024 (inclusive)
Participation of 1 artwork in any active event. Premium for 2 months. + 50artCoins
Participation of 1 work in any active event. Premium for 1 months. + 20artCoins
Participation of 1 work in any active event. Premium for 1 months.
Audience Award
Premium tariff for 1 month
Submission Deadline:
d :
h :
m :

Each artist can submit no more than 5 artworks to the contest.

Artworks created in the following techniques are allowed to participate in the competition program:

  • Oil painting
  • Acrylic painting
  • Graphic arts
  • Watercolor art
  • Pastel
  • Digital art
  • Collages
  • Sculpture (art objects)
  • Arts and crafts

The winners are chosen by the jury!

All works were evaluated according to the following criteria

  • Skill and quality of execution
  • originality and innovation
  • degree of influence on the viewer
  • compliance with the theme of the competition

Expert judgement

  1. All artworks submitted to the competition are evaluated by renowned artists (the list is available on the ‘Jury’ tab). The results of the evaluation will be posted on the contest website ("Winners" tab).
  2. The rating of the impact on the viewer is determined by the number of votes collected 7 days before the end of the contest and each participant will be able to see his/her rating.
  3. One author can submit up to 5 works to the contest. Each work is evaluated as an independent competition work and receives its own independent rating.

Artwork requirements:

  • PNG or JPG, no watermarks or text (except captions, numbers or symbols).
  • The size of the image should be at least 2000px along the smaller side
  • The image should be clear, no highlights or glares.
  • Description of the artwork should be specified in the settings of the piece itself, which explains its idea.

The Audience Award determined by the number and sum of votes (voting opens 7 days before the end of the competition)

Still have questions? Send us chat message

Free participation (apply online to receive an E-Certificate):

  1. Upload your artworks in your profile on the gallery's website, providing accurate content.
  2. Refill your balance of artCoins on the website.
  3. Submit your artwork to the competition

Invite your friends and acquaintances to support your work and vote for it. And your work will be seen by a larger number of potential buyers, art lovers, professionals and collectors.

How to participate?
What will I get as a result of the contest?
How many works can I submit to the contest?
How much does it cost to participate?
Participation in the Contest means the Applicant's familiarization and full agreement with the General Provisions of the Contest
Still have questions? Ask a question in chat

  • Artistic Council of Art Future Gallery
  • Artistic Council of EURASIAN ART UNION
  • Dingyi Fan (France)
  • Badartch Tumurbaatar (Mongolia)
  • Alison Williams (UK)
  • Dongmei Yin (China)
  • Domonik Vargo (Canada)
  • Dru Pilmer (USA)
  • Ben Rosecrans (Portugal)
  • Spiro Susa (Serbia)
  • Didi Foronda (Australia)
  • Emanuil Barto (France)
  • Akiko Endo (Japan)
  • Pavel Arefiev - Angel (Russia)
  • Uwe Meyer (Germany)
  • Gerhard Rasser (Germany)
  • Simon Hafele (Switzerland)
  • Maite Pereda (Egypt)
  • Brigitte Radecki (USA)
  • Cedric van Eenoo (Mexica)
  • Chang Haoran (Taiwan)
  • Chen Min (China)
  • Chen Ziyi (China)
  • Ekaterina Bystritskaya (Israel)
  • Tatiana Tertiakova (Russia)
  • Ingrid O’Connor (Sweden)
  • Joel Armstrong (UK)
  • Jin Min (Netherlands)
  • Maria Otchykh (Ukraine

The list is being completed


Each artist can submit no more than 5 artworks to the contest.

Artworks created in the following techniques are allowed to participate in the competition program:

  • Oil painting
  • Acrylic painting
  • Graphic arts
  • Watercolor art
  • Pastel
  • Digital art
  • Collages
  • Sculpture (art objects)
  • Arts and crafts

The winners are chosen by the jury!

All works were evaluated according to the following criteria

  • Skill and quality of execution
  • originality and innovation
  • degree of influence on the viewer
  • compliance with the theme of the competition

Expert judgement

  1. All artworks submitted to the competition are evaluated by renowned artists (the list is available on the ‘Jury’ tab). The results of the evaluation will be posted on the contest website ("Winners" tab).
  2. The rating of the impact on the viewer is determined by the number of votes collected 7 days before the end of the contest and each participant will be able to see his/her rating.
  3. One author can submit up to 5 works to the contest. Each work is evaluated as an independent competition work and receives its own independent rating.

Artwork requirements:

  • PNG or JPG, no watermarks or text (except captions, numbers or symbols).
  • The size of the image should be at least 2000px along the smaller side
  • The image should be clear, no highlights or glares.
  • Description of the artwork should be specified in the settings of the piece itself, which explains its idea.

The Audience Award determined by the number and sum of votes (voting opens 7 days before the end of the competition)

Still have questions? Send us chat message

Free participation (apply online to receive an E-Certificate):

  1. Upload your artworks in your profile on the gallery's website, providing accurate content.
  2. Refill your balance of artCoins on the website.
  3. Submit your artwork to the competition

Invite your friends and acquaintances to support your work and vote for it. And your work will be seen by a larger number of potential buyers, art lovers, professionals and collectors.

How to participate?
What will I get as a result of the contest?
How many works can I submit to the contest?
How much does it cost to participate?
Participation in the Contest means the Applicant's familiarization and full agreement with the General Provisions of the Contest
Still have questions? Ask a question in chat

  • Artistic Council of Art Future Gallery
  • Artistic Council of EURASIAN ART UNION
  • Dingyi Fan (France)
  • Badartch Tumurbaatar (Mongolia)
  • Alison Williams (UK)
  • Dongmei Yin (China)
  • Domonik Vargo (Canada)
  • Dru Pilmer (USA)
  • Ben Rosecrans (Portugal)
  • Spiro Susa (Serbia)
  • Didi Foronda (Australia)
  • Emanuil Barto (France)
  • Akiko Endo (Japan)
  • Pavel Arefiev - Angel (Russia)
  • Uwe Meyer (Germany)
  • Gerhard Rasser (Germany)
  • Simon Hafele (Switzerland)
  • Maite Pereda (Egypt)
  • Brigitte Radecki (USA)
  • Cedric van Eenoo (Mexica)
  • Chang Haoran (Taiwan)
  • Chen Min (China)
  • Chen Ziyi (China)
  • Ekaterina Bystritskaya (Israel)
  • Tatiana Tertiakova (Russia)
  • Ingrid O’Connor (Sweden)
  • Joel Armstrong (UK)
  • Jin Min (Netherlands)
  • Maria Otchykh (Ukraine

The list is being completed

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