Catalog | Paintings | Scarlet Ibis
Scarlet Ibis
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Scarlet Ibis
Paintings, Canvas, Oil
100 х 75 х 3 (см)
Year create:
1,600 $
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Unique copy

Another works Tatiana Osheva


Original, one of a kind. Oil on canvas. 100x75 cm.
Framed, ready to hang. Certificate of Authentication.

The ibis teaches us to search for answers on secrets. Observe how an ibis probes on the dirty mud just to search for a food. We must also be ready to face some ugly truths if we want to find answers to our questions.

Furthermore the ibis is teaching one how to change luck, to find advantages in every situation, to change weakness into strength - it shows you the right path toward success.

The ibis is teaching one to trust our inner instinct. An ibis can show you the perfect timing and when to carry out task's. Sometimes a perfect timing is all we need in order to pass life with flying colours!

Tatiana Osheva
Tatiana Osheva
Great Britain

Born in 1943 in Alma-Ata, USSR.
My mother - Klaudia Osheva, a professional artist, hence from my early years I got grips of what a magic of creativity means.
Graduated from the University, specialising in German-Roman philology. But extensive travel, meeting people and exploration of nature were provoking me to reflect it with the means of fine art. So I got the second education - Odessa College of Arts "Grekovka". Started to exhibit while studying at the college. It was followed by numerous local, nationwide, All-Soviet Union and international exhibitions. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1986.
Living and working in the UK since 1998***.
My creative credo: any work of art should charge the viewer with positive energy - aesthetic, intellectual, emotional. Touch with any art should enrich the viewer, "to add, not to subtract". This on my opinion is its main task.
Preferred media - oil on canvas. Preferred genre - figurative art, compositions of "more than one approach". Figurative compositions demand knowledge of the whole spectre of genres - portraits, landscapes, still-life, - only then your fantasy is not restricted by any inner barriers. I worked in graphics, ceramics, murals and as a theatrical designer when I was invited as an art-director and costume designer for several productions of Odessa Drama Theatre.
Paintings - in the private collections in dozens of countries of the World, from Japan and Australia to Europe and both coasts of the USA, including two portraits at the collection of the Royal Geographical Society, London.

*** If you are residing in the UK and would like to view my works in flesh, you are welcome to visit me in Bournemouth, Dorset.


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