Catalog | Paintings | Feeling Blue
Feeling Blue
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Feeling Blue
Paintings, Canvas, Oil
50 х 60 (см)
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Ships from Serbia, Beograd
Unique copy

Another works Natasa Tomic


Sadness, sorrow.

Natasa Tomic
Natasa Tomic

Наташа Томић

Nataša Tomić

• Born in Djakovica, Kosovo and Metohija, but has lived in Belgrade ever since.

• She got her degree in 1994 at COLLEGE FOR FIGURATIVE AND APPLIED ARTS in Belgrade.

• She got her Master's degree in 2002 at FAAD (Faculty of Applied Arts and Design) in Belgrade, department of • WALL PAINTING AND RESTORATION.

• Member of ULUS (National Association of Artists of Serbia) since 2005 With the status of FREELANCE (independent) ARTIST since 2006.


Four SOLO Exhibitions in Serbia. Drawings in 2017. Paintings 2006 and 2005. Icons in 2000.

Dozents, almost a hundred GROPU exhibitions in Serbia, Macedonia, Switzerland, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, SAD- New York, Manhattan. She has exhibited paintings, drawings, mosaics, and icons.

17 ART SYMPOSIUMS and COLONIES in Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija (Serbia also), Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bulgaria.

2024 AWARD for Second place in the DRAVINGS category at the 6th International Biennale of Drawings and Graphics, Serbia


•2020. International ArtCepter public competition for the monumental decoration of the facade of the Zepter Museum, ArtZept Art Wall Installations. (Templates for mosaics 6.97x6.29m, Destiny meeting, and Gold printing).

•2020 Mosaic of St Archangel Michael 44x98cm, smalti, and gold, for Greek-Catholic Church Of Our Lady of Damascus, in Valletta, Malta;

•2019 Mosaic MORE SPACIOUS THAN THE HEAVENS (PLATYTERA), 91x182cm, smalti, and gold, for Greek Catholic Church of Our Lady of Damascus, in Valletta, Malta;

•2019 Mosaic THE HOLY FACE (MANDYLION), 82x118cm, smalti, and gold, for Greek Catholic Church of Our Lady of Damascus, in Valletta, Malta;

•2017 Painting of fresco iconography in the Church of St. Peter and Paul in Turia, Branicevo diocese, Serbia;

•2016 A complete project for painting the Church of St. Simeon ( 380 square meters in all secco technique), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA;

•2016 Mosaic PHOENIX, 110x65cm, smalti, for private collection, Belgrade;

•2015 Painting of fresco iconography in the Church of St. Peter and Paul in Turia, Branicevo diocese, Serbia;

•2013 Conservation-restoration works on the Church of HOLY VIRGIN OF LYEVISH in Prizren (UNESCO). Conservation and retouching of the fresco iconography from the 14th century (painted between 1307 and 1313) in exonarthex; Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija.

•2013 MOSAIC for the Church of the Protection of the Holy Mother of God, Rudnik, Serbia;

•2012 Conservation of the fresco iconography from the 14th century in the Church of the HOLY MOTHER OF GOD in the monastery of PATRIARCHATE OF PEC (UNESCO), Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia;

•2010 Restoration of fresco iconography from the 14th, 16th, and 17th centuries in the Church of Presentation of the Virgin in Lipljan, Kosovo and Metohija, retouching the frontal part of the altar parapet. A monument has been categorized as a cultural monument of extraordinary importance;

•2009 Conservation-restoration works on the fresco iconography from the 16th century in the Church of Assumption of the Holy Virgin, monastery Budisavci, Kosovo and Metohija (as a cultural monument of extraordinary importance);

•2009 Conservation-restoration works on the fresco iconography from the 17th century in the church of Assumption of the Lord in Veliki Krcimir, near Nis, Serbia (as a cultural monument of great importance);

•2006 Conservation-restoration works on the fresco iconography from the14th-19th century on the facades of the complex of churches of the medieval monastery THE PATRIARCHATE OF PEC, in Pec, Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia (UNESCO);

•2002 and 2003 Worked on the facade MOSAIC of more than 30m2 for the Orthodox Cathedral in Belgrade, as first assistant to the professor- author Sinisa Zikic, M.A. (with the blessing of Patriarch Pavle, of blessed memory);


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