Painting, 2023. Canvas, 80x100 centimeters. Acrylic, oil, tempera
Surrealism, rugs, oil, 80 х 100 х 3 см
Elena Ilina
859 $
New Year's painting in the interior of Tangerines
Still life, 20 х 20 х 1 см
Anna Tazieva
For example
volumetric peacock feather using bas-relief technique
Decorative napkins, dolls, cookware, 100 х 3 х 70...
Viktoriya Suleymenova
27,000 ₽
Series-transformer "Victory" painting "Victory" 7.0,
Texture paste, 40 х 30 х 1 см
Anastasiya Ovsyannikova
For example
Showing 501 - 520 of 1359