Yuval Robichek — an artist from Israel who draws subtle and lyrical caricatures that make you feel warm at heart. The scantiness of the drawing is more than compensated by the deep meaning.
Tip toe
Robichek likes to play on various associations and unexpected, often absurd graphic solutions. His works are called “abstract caricatures” and there is some truth in this - to understand their meaning, you need to be able to look at things from an unexpected angle.
Tinder light
The humor there is often not too obvious, but very heartfelt and memorable. Robichek especially often and willingly depicts various aspects of human relationships, aptly emphasizing every little detail that sometimes you don't even notice in ordinary life.
Red flower
But he also remains a romantic, even divorce and the birth of three children have not diminished his enthusiastic attitude to love and life. He confessed: “Sometimes I am afraid that I will run out of ideas and have to change the sphere of activity. But every day I wake up, open the window, drink coffee, and then ride my bike to the beach to some cheerful melody. It's my source of inspiration that never fails. I just sit down and start observing life around me, and another cartoon appears before my inner eye.
Half & half
Look over
Perhaps that's why Robichek has so many cartoons related to the sea and the beach, and in each of them he finds some unexpected solution that makes them special.
watching TV
tan switch
Banal gimmicks and flat jokes are not Robichek's work. He never uses clouds with inscriptions and addresses eternal themes: love, human relationships and a million little things that all together make up the life of an ordinary person.
Outdoors shower
Everything in order
It is alien to any social messages and harsh satire, perhaps because you don't want to think about anything bad on the beach.
Bra and panties
Robichek pays a lot of attention to the subject of love. He and his two wives met on the beach, and the number of all kinds of girls willing to happily visit his artist's studio, and then a little pose, is incalculable. Well like today's girls feel like the muse, inspiring the artist to create new masterpieces, even if these masterpieces are created in the genre of abstract caricature.
Draw me
Even the lack of social messages Robichek explains simply: “it doesn't matter how you get to the beach: in a fancy car or on a bicycle, when you sit down on the sand or beach beds and undress, everyone becomes the same, and your status doesn't matter.” Only love, according to Robichek, can make a person stand out from the crowd, and people in love are happy egoists who don't care about anything else.
Beach ball
“My images are not always fun and light-hearted, there can be sadness and a bit of conflict, some of my work is a bit sarcastic, otherwise it becomes too boring and cloying, but I also try to avoid depicting a real serious crisis in a relationship where the only thing that follows is a breakup. It seems to me that all couples in love have gone through some of the stages depicted in my cartoons.
Taken apart
He notes, however, that many viewers make up their own minds about the meaning of the cartoons, which is sometimes not what Robichek intended. “Everyone sees my cartoons in their own way, but it's a normal process, when they are published, they no longer belong to me alone”.
Beach towel
Boxing bed
And one can only admire his imagination, his ability to look at life and relationships in a completely unconventional way and his boundless optimism, because only a very happy person can create like that. Perhaps we really should go to the beach more often.
Image Source: https://www.yuvalrob.com
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