Main | Art Blog | Black humor from Canadian cartoonist Derek Evernden that will make you smile more than once, and even think.
Black humor from Canadian cartoonist Derek Evernden that will make you smile more than once, and even think.

Black humor from Canadian cartoonist Derek Evernden that will make you smile more than once, and even think.

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Derek Evernden — Canadian cartoonist known for his famous collection of black humor comics "Bogart Creek". However, Evernden himself is more than modest about his success, even calling himself "an insignificant writer of single-panel comics with a strange sense of humor. His humor is truly peculiar: black and absurd in a good way, but at the same time quite professional, Derek does not stoop to outright trash, although some of his drawings are quite dark and certainly not for children.

Sometimes he does not shy away from some picturesque physiological details, but only when it is impossible to do without them, and the main emphasis in his cartoons is on humor and satire, ridiculing various negative phenomena of our life. And a certain "blackness" allows them to show them most clearly and memorably, refusing boring moralizing that is usually of no interest to anyone.

Derek was born in the small Canadian town of Newmarket, near a small river called Bogart Creek, which flows into the larger East Holland. It was this river that gave the name to the series of his single panel comics.

Derek can boast of a good art education: for example, he graduated from York University in Canada and studied art for 9 years in a specialized program for future art historians and artists, but decided to focus on a more popular caricature for which they were willing to pay good money here and now, not sometime in the future when he could really prove himself. True, his first job was hardly enviable: Derek drew caricatures and portraits for tourists in a large shopping mall. However, it was a good school: it taught him how to pick up on characteristics and express them in the form of humorous drawings.

Later, Derek began working for various publications, creating advertising posters and illustrating articles. However, such work didn't give him much satisfaction. It was not what he wanted to do all his life: although the work required a certain creativity, it still confined his creative imagination.

Once, tired of all this, he decided to give free rein to his imagination: he drew several drawings in the genre of black humor and posted them on the Internet. They were immediately noticed, there were enthusiastic reviews and Derek decided to start this business, fortunately his comics were well monetized. He posted them weekly on his website, organized a special subscription with early exclusive access for the most ardent fans, and in general began to earn enough to make the constant release of comics his main profession.

His work often pokes fun at "toxic masculinity," a set of stereotypes and rules that define what it means to be a real man. But all people are different, not everyone is able and willing to follow these rules, and Derek tries to convey this simple idea in his comics.

And while Derek originally intended the comics to be as apolitical as possible, politics still came into play, especially after the election of Trump as president, whom Derek openly dislikes for his lack of commitment to democratic principles and free speech.

However, according to the artist, the main thing in his work is the ability to ridicule the worst sides of human nature, and then there is a small chance that, looking at them, people will try to become a little better.

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