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Satirical cartoons about the problems of modern society, making you look at some things in a new way.

Satirical cartoons about the problems of modern society, making you look at some things in a new way.

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Bogdan Petry и Horia Crisan are Romanian illustrators-caricaturists, who for 30 years have been focusing the attention of viewers on various social and moral problems of modern society. Their artwork is characterized by high-quality, though somewhat peculiar drawing, partly reminiscent of frames from an “adult” cartoon. They are very literary, many of them are the culmination of a plot, which is very easy to read, like the paintings of our itinerant artists.

Luggage over there!

And the themes of various social problems are certainly close to the itinerant artists, because Crisan and Petry are already doing the same thing on a modern level with the use of modern graphic techniques: they focus attention on the vices of society and satirically ridicule them.

Well, isn't this cartoon reminiscent of Vasily Pukiryov's famous painting “Unequal Marriage”? And let the girl married for a great and pure love... to money for sure voluntarily, but the very theme of such strange and ambiguous marital unions will be eternal, as well as such marriages.

Horia Crisan drew his first cartoons in 1979 while studying engineering. By the way, this path has been followed by many cartoonists: not all of them have special professional education, but the craving for creativity and humor is stronger, and as a result cartoons and satire become their main profession. Perhaps a sense of humor, the ability to notice and display in funny drawings absurdities and absurdities of our lives - qualities so subtle that it is impossible to learn in a special school, they are given from birth. You can hone your artistic technique, but a caricaturist is a peculiar way of thinking, as many artists have repeatedly said.

Crisan has participated and won many times in the most prestigious exhibitions of caricaturists, and the number of his awards is close to 80. Now he is not only a cartoonist, but also the founder of the magazine “Caricature”, head of his own publishing house, member of the Union of Romanian Artists and artist of eight published books of cartoons and satirical drawings. But despite all these titles and job responsibilities, he does not forget the main thing that brought him success: cartoons, and is genuinely happy when he manages to come up with a truly original, funny and non-standard idea, which are especially appreciated in this business.

Modern Sisyphus

Bogdan Petry is a professional artist who has been working in animation and drawing all kinds of comics for many years. So one should not be surprised by the peculiar cartoon style of his artwork. According to Petry, it is easily perceived by today's youth and allows them to think about many social problems in a familiar format.

Petry worked in the United States, then returned to Romania, where he immediately began working with the major local publishers. He became famous for his comics about Romanian politicians, which became very popular after the overthrow of the Ceausescu regime. Afterwards, he worked for the popular men's magazine Maxim.

The dream

And one day, two talented people got together: Crisan came up with ideas and Petry drew them. This tandem became very successful, each doing what they did best.

Their drawings immediately attracted the attention of viewers, won many professional awards and, according to the artists themselves, allowed them to express their opinions and draw attention to many problems of ecology, social inequality, morality of modern society and, no less, the general development of human civilisation. And one can only agree with many of their works: after death, money has no value, communicating with some people sometimes gives the impression that it really would not hurt them to lie down on a drip of books, the current financial situation is not final and everything can change, and lofty dreams in life circumstances can become very mundane. Well, sin is much more attractive than virtue.

Recommendations for reading

The very same “Krokodil”. Funny and topical cartoons by the editor-in-chief of this magazine German Ogorodnikov

A great master of the nude genre Anders Zorn and his wonderful paintings that depict the everyday life of Swedish peasant women.

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