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Funny comics from the producers of Lord of the Rings that made them as famous as the movie.

Funny comics from the producers of Lord of the Rings that made them as famous as the movie.

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Gary Larsson's one-page comics, which we talked about in one of our past publications, have been a source of inspiration for many cartoonists, some of whom have drawn just as well and wittily. But the comic we want to tell you about is still special, because it was designed and drawn not by aspiring freelance artists, as it usually happens, but by Hollywood producers Rodd Perry and Guy Endor-Kaiser, who had a hand in the famous movies “The Chronicles of Narnia”, three parts of “The Lord of the Rings” and “King Kong”. It is clear that comics for them were not a way to earn money, but a kind of outlet from artwork, an opportunity to try their hand at humorous drawings, which in the U.S. were no less popular than the films produced by them, but with a more mature and thoughtful audience.

As a result, in 2005 the comic book “Brevity” was born, where Perry drew, and Endor-Kaiser came up with the general idea for the drawings and composed funny captions.

And it turned out to be more than worthy, as the comic combined good humor, a touch of absurdity, which is obligatory in any good humorous drawings, and an unconventional view of the surrounding reality.

It is somewhat reminiscent of popular American humorous cartoon series, where many aspects of our lives are ridiculed, but the emphasis is not on topical satire, but on “pure entertainment”, humor on eternal themes, understandable in any country and at any time. All drawings have a plot, they are peculiar sketches, but vulgarity and blackness in them is minimal, Perry and Endor-Kaiser decided to bet on quality, not on attracting attention in the simplest and most primitive way.

In 2005, they posted their comic on the popular American website Comics Sherpa. After rave reviews, the comic was noticed and began to be printed by various newspapers and magazines, the total number of which approached 150. And there is nothing surprising in this: the humor there is funny and witty, understandable to everyone, designed for the widest audience, including teenagers - how not the producers of popular blockbusters to know who is really interested in popular culture, goes to the movies and laughs at “funny pictures.

But you can't call comics primitive and one-cell comics. To understand them, you sometimes need to use abstract thinking, calculate the plot, and simply be aware of the most popular phenomena in mass culture. But in general, these cartoons can be safely shown to your children, unlike most other works of modern Internet freelancers.

In 2012, professional freelance artist Dan Thompson joined the duo of producers, with a wealth of experience in working on a wide variety of popular comic book series. He didn't let the project die when Perry and Endor-Kaiser decided to retire and finally spend their millions. But it did not affect the quality of the pictures at all, because Thompson treats his work with a lot of responsibility, and he has a lot of talent. True, sometimes complains about the acute lack of time, but this is already a problem of any professional freelancers, especially if you do not want to offend the customers he respects by refusal.

The “Brevity” comic book collections were inevitably at the top of sales, despite the fact that Thompson decided not to bother with the title and advertising campaign and simply called them in order: “Brevity 1”, ‘Brevity 2’ and so on. But, as practice has shown, the main thing is to do your job well and from the heart, and success is sure to come, because now, in the world of victorious marketing, everyone wants to stop at something long familiar and habitually good, like the cult collection of comics “Brevity”.

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