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“Movie stars and politicians at home” on Igor Belkovsky's soulful paintings

“Movie stars and politicians at home” on Igor Belkovsky's soulful paintings

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Igor Belkovsky (1962- н. в) — is a contemporary Russian artist working in the style of realism, whose artwork often resembles very soulful photographs of our lives. There is little staged, like the French Impressionists Belkovsky likes to capture the here and now, but prefers to reflect mainly something positive and pleasing to the eye, perhaps believing that painting should give only positive emotions. He works in a variety of genres: landscape, still life, portrait, domestic scenes, where he depicts everyday life of the artist and his family.

A photo to remember. 1996. o.c. 105 x 125 cm.

Vernissage. Khokhloma. 1994. oil on canvas 100 x 125 cm.

Despite the apparent simplicity and peculiar style characteristic of street artists who sell their artworks on squares and sidewalks, Belkovsky's paintings differ from them for the better - it is not by chance that he has many awards and the title of academician of the Russian Academy of Arts. They are characterized by carefully thought-out composition, outstanding craftsmanship, naturalness of poses and images, and a general soulfulness, but not sweetly luscious, but as it should be in real life.

In the summer at the country house. 1993. oil on canvas. 70 x 90 cm

Sea breeze. 1993. oil on canvas

Igor was born in Chelyabinsk, a city of tough men. His father was a popular photographer, a creative man, and sincerely wanted his son to do something similar. That's why he invited to him his familiar artists, in particular Anatoly Ludov, who taught Igor the basics of craftsmanship. Then there was studying at the Chelyabinsk Art School and teaching at the local School of Arts. However, the young artist's salary was not enough for all his needs, so he also painted posters for a movie theater, where he held his first exhibition of his artwork.

Gorokhovets. (1 variant) 1994. oil on canvas 45 x 90 cm.

Quiet evening by the sea. 2016г. oil on canvas 85х120 cm

But Belkovsky realized that he could achieve more, so he decided to enroll in the Surikov Moscow Institute. Surikov Institute in Moscow. Several attempts were unsuccessful, and it was only in 1985, when he was 23 years old, that Belkovsky managed to become a student at this prestigious institute.

Folk crafts. Gzhel. 1993. oil on canvas 65 x 100 cm

Family. Early morning. 1994. oil on canvas 105 x 120 cm

In the early 90s, when he graduated, it turned out that no one needed the socialist realism so diligently cultivated there anymore. However, since 1991 Igor has been exhibiting at the Moscow Art Gallery “Arka”, and five years later there was a personal exhibition of the artist. Belkovsky focused on depicting the life and everyday life of ordinary people, but he presented everything in a positive way, his characters were soulful and attractive, and at that time it seemed a real outlet, a ray of light among the usual violence and negativity.

Bather. 1996. oil on canvas 100 x 125.

A bather coming out of the water. 2014г . oil on canvas 130х70

Not surprisingly, Belkovsky's work proved to be in great demand, it became the talk of the town, and the artist became a favorite among the creative elite. As a result, he came up with the idea of the project “Russian Stars of Film, Television and Politics at Home”, which consists of 36 portraits of popular media personalities, for example, Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Portrait of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Portrait of Aleksandr Shirvindt. 1999 г. oil on canvas. 105 х 105

In 2004, after participating in a major competition of artists in Paris, Belkovsky received international recognition. FORBES magazine named him “the best Russian portraitist”. Perhaps there were some advances for the future, and the desire to flatter the artist for the sake of a frank interview, but all artworks by Belkovsky became in demand at the largest auctions.

Staging. 1995. oil on canvas. 125 x 100

The session's over.. 1996. oil on canvas. 95 x 125

Summer. 1994г. oil on canvas. 100х110 (Private collection. Moscow.)

Now he lives in Moscow, writes his wonderful paintings and probably does not regret at all the choice of his path and artistic direction, in which he works all his life, and outstanding and skillfully painted paintings Belkovsky will surely please more than one generation of lovers of good painting.

Favorite paintings by Igor Vladimirovich Belkovsky you can choose and order on the personal website of the artist https://i-belkovsky.ru

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